I told about you

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I lay on grassfields on starlit nights
I tell the moon about you, and she listens

I tell how your smile brightens the room and how your voice captivates everyones attention.
I tell about your soft hair that never seems to tangle and about your sparkly blue eyes that puts oceans to shame.
I tell about the butterflies in my stomach you have made me feel and about the rose tinted glasses you have made me wear.
I tell about how I think you are my twin flame, my true love, my the one.
I tell how I'm afraid to trust you, but it's all I want to do because you mean so much to me.
I tell how you listen to me so well and actually make me feel safe.
I tell how I want to take all of your pain away, even if it meant me feeling it.
I tell how I never want to see you cry even though you look so pretty when you do.
I tell how I smile so stupidly when I get a notification from you and how I always wait for your reply.
I tell how you make me laugh and feel light even when you're not really even trying.

And the moon slowly changes into the sun, because I have spent the whole night talking about you.
But I tell the sun the same things, because I can't get enough of you.

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