Chapter 14: "The Vessel"

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Liz and Sam are in the kitchen, while Sam's on his computer, Liz is going through files of the Men of Letters history, when Dean walks in about to pour himself a cup of coffee, when Liz says, "We're out

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Liz and Sam are in the kitchen, while Sam's on his computer, Liz is going through files of the Men of Letters history, when Dean walks in about to pour himself a cup of coffee, when Liz says, "We're out." Dean says, "There was half a bag yesterday." Liz says, "Sorry, I finished it. Hey... Did you know the Nazis had a special branch devoted to archaeology?" Dean says, "A little early for Nazi trivia, especially without caffeine." Liz says, "It was called, uh, the "Ahnenerbe." There were sities all over Germany, and then as the Nazis increased their territory, they started popping up in-- in Poland, Finland, uh, North Africa." Dean says, "Yeah, how is this more important than our coffee situation?" Liz says, "'Cause I found something. I mean, we need something-- magic, a weapon strong enough to give us a shot against Amara. So, I've been looking outside the lore in history, and found this-- uh, "The Vichy Memorandums." They were Nazi communications that puzzle historians to this day, and they speak of a superweapon obtained by the Ahnenerbe, said to be strong enough to win the war." Sam says, "Really? What was it?" Liz says, "Well, uh, these memos refer to it as..."The Hand of God." I mean, that was sort of a catchall term for several objects he touched on Earth in biblical times, but they're believed to contain traces of his power." Dean says, "Yeah, well, the Nazis believed a lot of things." Liz says, "Dean, Lucifer's caged. God's M.I.A. The only beings strong enough to battle Amara are gone. If we're gonna fight her, what better way to arm up than with an actual dose of his power?" Dean says, "Okay, so you said the Nazis got their hands on one of these, uh... 'hands.'" Liz says, "Right." Dean says, "Well, if it was so powerful it could win them the war, why didn't it?" Liz says, "Because they lost it. En route to Berlin, it was stolen. The Nazis searched high and low for the thief, but they never found their prime suspect. Uh, here. Delphine Seydoux. French Mistress to a high-ranking Nazi. Thought to be a French traitor till she killed her German lover and made off with the weapon." Sam says, "Allied spy? French resistance?" Liz says, "That's what the Nazis thought, but their investigation led them to a different conclusion-- That she was 'Un Femme de Lettres.'" Dean's clueless and Sam says, "A woman of letters." Later, Liz, Sam, and Dean move to the library and while the boys are looking for some books, Liz is on her laptop. Dean says, "Who knew the Men of Letters has European chapters?" Sam says, "Maybe it wasn't an entire chapter. Just some assets, you know?" Liz says, "It's nice to know that there were some women of letters. I just wish the main name wasn't so sexist." Sam has a book in his hands and says, "Here you go. This report was written by Clifford Henshaw, a bunker-based Man of Letters, back in 1943. It's the right era. But it's in French." The boys look at Liz, knowing she's fluent in French and she grabs the book from Sam and looks over the book and she says, "So, it's definitely about Delphine. Her name's at the top of every page. And check this out. They're transcriptions from transatlantic cables between Clifford and Delphine." Dean says, "What do they say?" Liz says, "They were making arrangements to get the artifact out of Europe to keep it safe. Uh, Henshaw pulled some strings with a Man of Letters in the O.S.S. to requisition an active U.S. submarine to transport Delphine and the weapon back to the states. Back to here." Sam says, "Wait, the bunker?" Liz says, "Yeah." Sam says, "So, it's been here the whole time?" Liz says, "Uh..." Liz looks up the submarine on her laptop and she says, "No. Never arrived. Uh, the U.S.S. Bluefin came under German attack midway through its trip across the Atlantic. The sub was sunk. The ship and its contents haven't been recovered to this day. Great. It's lost." Dean says, "Or is it?" Liz says, "Well, yeah, I'd say so. I mean, tides took the wreckage. Submersibles have been trying to locate it for years. If mean, if James Cameron and his "Avatar" billions can't find it." Dean says, "Yeah, but... we have something that James Cameron doesn't have." Later, Castiel's at the bunker and he says, "There were several God-touched objects, but it never occurred to me that any had survived the flood, let alone the 20th century." Sam says, "Do you think we can use it against Amara?" Castiel says, "It's perfect. I can get you back there." Sam says, "Without wings? Cass, you can't even teleport." Castiel says, "Time travel's is a... it's a whole different system." Dean snaps his fingers and says, "Told ya." Castiel looks at the bulletin board and says, "So, uh, these the last coordinates?" Dean says, "That's the Bluefin's last transmission to shore, yeah." Castiel says, "All right." Liz says, "Wait a second. Cass, aren't there still risks with time travel? I mean, aren't there consequences that--" Dean cuts Liz off and says, "Liz... This is the ideal scenario." Liz says, "What?" Dean says, "That sub's a tin can floating in the middle of the ocean, doomed to go down. You can't really mess with history at 20,000 leagues. So we get in, get the weapon, get out. It's a milk run." Liz says, "Well, that's not a very good plan." Dean says, "Well, if things get out of hand, then Cass'll just zap us right back. Liz, you stay here. Just in case things go sideways, somebody needs to be left standing to take care of the Darkness. I mean, out of me, Sam, and you, Liz you're the strongest." Liz nods with a soft smile and she looks at Castiel and says, "Promise me you'll stay by their side the entire time?" Castiel says, "I will." Liz nods and softly says, "Okay. Please be safe." Dean says, "We will. Let's do this, Cass. Bon Voyage." Castiel touches Sam and Dean's shoulder, and he zaps them away. Later, Liz's is reading a book about the Bluefin, when she hears the bunker door open, and she looks up to see a soaking wet Castiel. Castiel comes down the stairs and Liz says, "Cass? Why are you wet? And where is Sam and Dean?" Castiel says, "We made the leap. They got in. I didn't." Liz says, "I'm sorry, what?" Castiel sighs heavily and says, "I couldn't make it past the hull." Castiel takes off his jacket to dry off and says, "Someone must have warded the ship." Liz says, "Delphine. It has to be. I mean, she's protecting the weapon, right? Cass. Just go back to their last port before she boarded, leave a message so Sam and Dean know." Castiel says, "Where? Where would Sam and Dean see it that the crew wouldn't? Their as likely to find the warding as they are any message I'd leave." Liz says, "Then send me. You got Sam and Dean past the hull." Castiel says, "Right. We'll double-down on what screwed us the first time. You're really bringing your "A" ideas today. I can't believe I lost it." Liz looks at Castiel confused and Castiel says, "Them. I can't believe I lost Sam and Dean. Well, it's up to them now to find and clear the warding." Liz says, "No. We can help. There's got to be something in magic or angel lore. You know, some way to clear the sigils from the outside. Cass... Don't worry. We'll bring them back." Liz grabs two books one on magic lore and one on angel lore, to try to find anything about sigils. Later, Liz may I have found something, and she says, "Wait a second. I think I have something. "The Spell of Gathering." It's an incantation used to "Focus the power of Celestial beings"-- angels-- "against all drawn forms of evasion." This spell was designed to clear all mystical or occult blockages. I mean, this is highly theoretical magic. It's never been used before, but it sounds like it could work." Castiel says, "Do you have the ingredients?" Liz says, "Uh... all but one. That's why it's never been used before. It requires the power of an archangel." Liz closes the book and sighs. Liz says, "I really wish I had my angel powers now. Castiel says, "Well, Liz, we may as well try." Liz scoffs and says, "We don't have time for long shots, Cass. Even at full power, you're not strong enough." Liz walks away. Later, Liz walks over to Castiel making something and she says, "Cass, what are you doing?" Castiel says, "It's your spell of gathering." Liz widens her eyes and says, "Are you nuts? You're not strong enough, Cass. You could get hurt." Castiel says, "You find a better option?" Liz says, "Well... no, but without a serious boost to your angel power, that spell won't even work." Castiel says, "My strength may surprise you." Liz says, "Wait a second. I remember what my dad told me, when you needed strength to retrieve us from the past, you used him to power up. You-- You touched his soul. Right?" Castiel says, "That's right. I did that. But that-- that, uh, procedure it can be fatal." Liz says, "Use my soul. That way, maybe you'll have enough power to wield the spell." Castiel says, "That isn't necessary." Liz says, "It's worth the risk. Cass, Sam, and Dean need our help. I trust you." Castiel laughs and Liz's confused and says, "What?" Castiel smiles and says, "Oh, it's ju-- I don't-- I don't need you anymore. I mean, Dean's the one with the link to Amara. Why have I been trying to spare you? I mean, maybe it's because you're my daughter." Liz realizes that it's not Castiel, it's Lucifer. Lucifer grabs Liz and slams her against the wall and he says, "I will touch your soul, just because you asked so nicely. And I'll use your spell to blast through the warding and retrieve Sam and Dean and the, uh... hand of God. And then when Sam and Dean come back and they find this place decorated with your guts, I will tell them the truth, Liz. I'll just say, "Sam, Dean"--" Lucifer intimates Castiel's voice and says, "Sam, Dean... she knew the risks. They wouldn't take "no" for an answer." Liz says, "Lucifer." Lucifer says, "In the flesh." Lucifer then sticks his hand into Liz to grab her soul and Liz screams. Lucifer then takes out his hand and Liz falls to the ground with a grunt, and she's knocked out. Moments later, Liz wakes up with a groan and she sees Lucifer and she backs away from him and says, "No, no." Castiel says, "Liz. Liz, it's me." Liz softly says, "Cass? Why?" Castiel says, "I wanted to be of service to the fight. And only Lucifer can beat her." Liz says, "You chose this? You have to fight, Cass. Eject him now!" Castiel says, "I can't. It's taking all my strength to keep him from killing you. And besides, we need him." Liz says, "No, Cass, we don't. We'll find another way to stop Amara." Castiel breathes heavily and he says, "We need him to save Sam and Dean." Liz says, "You can't time travel." Castiel says, "Only Lucifer can." Moments later, Castiel's gone and Lucifer's back and he brings Sam and Dean back. Liz breathes heavily and she says, "Guys. That's not Cass!" Lucifer smiles and says, "Cat's out." Lucifer tosses both Sam and Dean away. Lucifer says, "Mm! I feel a burden lifted. You know, this whole "deep cover" thing, it just wasn't-- it wasn't terribly well thought out. Donning this... this Cass mask? This grim face of angelic constipation? Just ugh. And then teaming up with you three? I mean... I thought you guys were insufferable as mortal enemies. But working with you? Ugh. That's the soul crusher." Liz reaches into her back pocket to get out her knife and she cuts herself, as Dean tries to charge at Lucifer, he is thrown against the wall and trapped there. Lucifer says, "Why the faces, guys? You should be cheering. We have a common enemy. With this, she will be no problem. I mean... I will have killed you three by then, but still... come on." As Liz's is drawing a blood sigil on the wall, Lucifer unwraps the hand of God and Sam says, "No." Lucifer touches it and Dean says, "No!" Nothing happens and Lucifer says, "It's kicked." Dean says, "Well... who'd have thought the hand of God would turn out to be a one-hitter?" Lucifer drops the hand of God and as he goes to charge at Dean. Liz presses her hand on the sigil and Lucifer vanishes. Later, Liz, Sam, and Dean are at dock and Liz says, "So..." Dean says, "So... Cass." Liz says, "Yeah." Sam says, "Yeah, what do we do?" Dean says, "What else? We hunt Lucifer, trap the bastard, and save Cass." Liz says, "Lucifer may be in control now, but Cass may not come back willingly. I mean, he chose it." Dean says, "No. No, not possible." Liz says, "So, how'd you two get through today? I mean, what did you guys do?" Sam says, "Nothing. Liz, they... we were just a witness." Liz says, "Do you guys want to talk about it?" Sam says, "No." Dean says, "No. Story for another day." Liz nods and as she goes to walk away, Dean says, "Hey, the, uh... the German ship that sank the Bluefin, what happened to it?" Liz says, "It went down. Unlike the sub, its wreckage was found. Um, there was a giant hole that'd been ripped through the entire thing. Something must have hit the fuel tanks and exploded. But it burned. Sank." Dean nods and Liz walks away leaving the boys alone.

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