Chapter 4: "Baby"

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Liz is in the car with the boys because Sam caught a case and Dean says, "All right, let's hear it

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Liz is in the car with the boys because Sam caught a case and Dean says, "All right, let's hear it. What do you got?" Sam's on his laptop and he says, "Okay, uh, Quaker Valley, Oregon, town outside of Eugene. Dwayne Markham, the local sheriff, was found in the woods a couple of days ago. His body was mauled, so they chalked it up to an animal attack, but I'm thinking--" Liz cuts Sam off and says, "Werewolf." Sam says, "Yeah, maybe." Dean says, "Yeah, you're right. That is thin." Sam says, "Yeah. Probably nothing, right?" Dean says, "Probably not. Oregon, here we come." Liz then reaches behind her into the cooler and gets out a smoothie and starts drinking it and Dean looks at her confused and says, "What is that?" Liz says, "A smoothie." Dean says, "Where's the beer?" Liz says, "Under the smoothies." Dean says, "Where's the rest of the beer?" Liz rolls her eyes and says, "You can still get more." As Dean goes to say something, Liz's phone rings and she says, "Oh, it's Cass. I have to take this." Liz answers the phone and puts Cass on speaker, and she says, "Hey, Cass. Everything all right?" Castiel says, "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just reading up about the other cases in the area that you're headed to. I haven't found anything yet that matches." Dean says, "Cass, you've got one job to do and that's to heal. You understand?" Castiel says, "I can help." Liz says, "Look, we know you can, Cass, but right now is the time for you to focus on getting better. This is just a milk run. We got it. So... try and relax." Castiel says, "All right." Liz says, "Read a book, watch some Netflix." Castiel says, "What's a Netflix?" Liz chuckles and says, "Go to my room, turn on the tv. Click Netflix. You'll figure it out from there." Castiel says, "All right. Just call if you need anything." Dean says, "Got it, Cass. Thanks." Liz hangs up and Sam says, "You guys think he's gonna be, okay?" Dean says, "He just needs some time, you know? We all do." A while later, Dean pulls up to a Roadhouse and Sam says, "Are you serious? Dean, it's late. I'm exhausted and--and-- and starving. And this place... I mean, even Swayze wouldn't come to this Roadhouse." Dean says, "Okay, first of all, never use Swayze's name in vain. Okay? Ever." Sam scoffs and Dean continues to say, "The point is, is that we have a ton of driving left to do just to go to a town where there's probably not a case. But in there... good times. And time heals all wounds, especially good times. What do you guys say?" Liz says, "I'm gonna pass." Sam nods agreeing with Liz and says, "Yeah, me too." Dean says, "Are you guys serious?" Liz nods and says, "Yeah. I'm gonna go over to that diner over there and get some food, but you go enjoy yourself." Liz pats Dean's shoulder and he sighs and nods his head. They get out of the car and Sam says, "You know, what? I'm gonna join you." Liz nods and says, "Okay." Liz and Sam walk across street to the diner and grab a table and a waitress walks up to them and says, "What can I get you?" Liz says, "Burger, fries, and a vanilla shake." Sam says, "I'll have a salad." The waitress nods and walks away. Liz sighs and says, "Man, if I had my angel grace right now, I would zap us to a motel to sleep for the night." Sam nods and says, "Yeah." A few moments later, they're food arrives, and the waitress makes flirty eyes to Sam and Liz says, "Dude, she's so into you. Why don't you go for it?" Sam shakes his head and says, "Nah." Liz says, "Sammy, you haven't had fun in a very long time." Sam chuckles and says, "It's weird that you know that." Liz shrugs her shoulders and says, "It's because I'm with you most of the time. Come on, Sam." Sam sighs and says, "Alright." Liz smiles and says, "Use protection." Sam rolls his eyes, and he walks over to the waitress and they both leave. Since, the diner is 24 hours, Liz gets out her laptop to see if anything's ever happened to where there headed. Hours later, the sun comes up and Liz leaves a big tip, leaves the restaurant, and goes back to the Impala to see the waitress from last night leaving the Impala and she smirks. Then, the three of them are back in the car and Sam says, "Dean, I can explain what was going on--" Dean cuts Sam off and says, "No, no, no. No." Dean then puts a tape into the radio and Bob Seger's "Night Moves" plays and Sam says, "Don't "Night Moves" me." Dean shushes Sam and says, "Just let it wash over you. Just take it in." Sam scoffs and he says, "This is ridiculous." Dean says, "One of the greatest rock writers of all time, Samuel." Sam says, "It's Sam." Sam sings, "Out in the backseat of my brother's '67 Chevy. Yeah, you started this. You started this." Liz smiles and Dean says, "Here we go. Come on now." Both brothers sing, "Working' on our night moves. Trying to make some front page..." A few hours later, they get food and then a lot later, it's night-time and Liz looks over at Sam with a teasing smile and she says, "Did you have fun?" Sam looks over at Liz's teasing smile and he rolls his eyes and says, "Shut up." Liz says, "What? Come on, you can't deny it." Sam says, "Yeah, I definitely needed that. Thanks for pushing me." Liz nods and Dean says, "Hey, look at that, you're finally not a virgin anymore. But you know what? I think it was time. I respect the fact that you, uh, you know, you wanted to stay true and pure and waited." Sam says, "Yeah, you know what? You-- You're an idiot." Dean says, "Even put a blanket down. Buddy, classy and thoughtful as always." Sam says, "I tried to give her my number. You know what she said?" Dean quotes, "'We got tonight. Who needs tomorrow'?" Sam smiles and says, "Is everything a Bob Seger song to you?" Dean says, "Yes." Sam inhales and looks in the backseat and says, "Well... it was nice knowing you, Piper." Dean smiles and says, "Piper? That's awesome." Dean's happy for his brother and Sam chuckles. An hour later, Dean gets gas and Liz hops in the backseat to get some sleep and she wakes up and hears music that Dean doesn't usually listen to, and she looks over to see her dad driving and she's confused. Liz softly says, "Dad?" Her dad says, "Your mom used to love this song. She would sing it to you for you to go to sleep." Her dad looks through the rearview mirror at Liz and says, "You okay, honey? You look a little spooked." Liz is definitely dreaming, and her dad turns off the music and she says, "What is this? Another vision?" Her dad says, "Are you having visions, honey?" Liz says, "Don't call me that. You're not real." Her dad says, "Of course I'm real." Liz shakes her head with tears in her eyes and she says, "No. My dad is dead." Her dad says, "When has death ever stopped a Singer?" Liz says, "Look, I don't know what this is, but--" Her dad cuts her off and says, "What this is me being here with you." Liz says, "This isn't real." Her dad says, "I never could fool you, could I?" Liz realizes that this must be God and she says, "I prayed for you, and I saw... something. And now, here you are. What the hell is this?" Her dad says, "Dream. Vision. Call it what you want. The message is still the same. The Darkness is coming... And only you and the boys can stop it." Liz says, "Okay, fine. How? We need help, not visions of dead people." Her dad says, "God helps those who help themselves." Liz says, "Why are you talking to yourself in the third person?" Then Liz gasps awake, and she looks around her surrounds and she sees Dean laid in front seat and she sees Sam next to her and Dean says, "Welcome to the Winchester and Singer motel. We don't have cable, but we do... have room service." Dean hands Liz a can of beer and he continues to say, "You were singing in your sleep, it was song that my mom loved that my dad used to play for us. I think I've actually still got the tape." Liz sighs and says, "Hey, Dean, um... you said when you saw the darkness, you weren't sure whether it was, uh... the real thing or a vision, right?" Dean says, "Mm-hmm." Liz says, "I think I've been having visions, too, lately. I mean, it's just images. I mean, more of a... feeling, really. But I just had one right now, and-- and my dad was in it. But, he was younger, like our age and it was before he started hunting and I-I guess it wasn't even really my dad. It was someone pretending to be my dad and--" Sam says, "Okay, then who do you think it was?" Liz says, "I-I think it was God. He had a message to deliver. He said the Darkness is coming, and... only you, Sam and I can stop it." Dean says, "Did he have any helpful tips on how to do that?" Liz says, "He said, 'God helps those who help themselves.'" Sam says, "Wait, why was God speaking in the third person?" Liz says, "I don't know. I asked him and then I woke up." Dean says, "How convenient. Wait, you said visions plural? What's the other one?" Liz says, "I don't know. All I saw was fire surrounding something."

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