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Hermione looked over her shoulder and saw Lee falling behind from the rest of the group as they walked to the pitch for the auditions. She looked back to the people next to her. Alicia and Angelina had their quidditch robes on and brooms over their shoulder, just like the twins, Charlie and Oliver. Astrix didn't want to join the friendly match, so Katie had been asked to step in, much to the delight of her best friend.

Hermione slowed her pace until she reached Lee in the back of the group. "Nervous?"

Lee looked up from the ground to the others in front of them. The quidditch players all talked excitedly with each other as they walked the grounds. "Yeah... I thought with Fred, George and the girls coming to play, I would be less nervous but... they will all be listening."

"No, they won't. You know how they get with quidditch. They won't think of anything else." Hermione chuckled. "Hey." She gently pulled on his sleeve, making him look at her. "How long have you wanted this?"

"Since I saw my first quidditch match, I was about 6 years old, so half my life." He chuckled nervously.

"And how long have you been practicing?"

"About the same."

"Then you will do great. And I'll be there right beside you." Hermione said, smiling up at him. Lee wrapped an arm around her shoulder, giving her a side hug.

"Thanks, Hermione."

Hermione started to laugh when they reached the pitch, still tucked under his arm.

"What?" Lee asked surprised, looking down.

"I just have a picture in my head. Of you, in front of a mirror holding a toothbrush, commentating on an imaginary match."

"That's where your wrong, little Granger." Fred said as the twins enclosed them.

"It was his mother's hairbrush." George added, both grinning.

"You're all wrong. It was a handmade microphone." Lee grinned, dropping his arm from Hermione's shoulder as they walked up to the others. Hermione looked around the field and saw the Hufflepuff team already standing there, fully dressed, with their brooms in hand. About five others were auditioning too, with only a few spectators.

"Ah, everyone is here." OJ called as he saw them arrive. "Since this is just a friendly match to see who the new commentator will be next year, there will be no referee, so play nice everyone." OJ looked at the players, before turning to the others. "For you who are auditioning today, each one of you gets 10 minutes, so give it your best. Let's get up to the stands." He waved them over.

"Goodluck mate." The twins clapped his back before walking to the Hufflepuffs'. Angelina, Katie and Alicia came over to wish him luck. Hermione gave her best friend a hug, whispering good luck to her before the girls followed the twins.

"You'll do great, Lee." Charlie smiled, Oliver already heading to the others.

"Thanks, mate. Hermione are you going to come up?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah, just for moral support."

"Then of course I'll come up with you." She smiled as they followed OJ and the others to the stand. Suddenly a familiar boy with wavy brown hair walked up next to her. "Hi Cedric. Are you auditioning too?"

"Hi, Hermione, Lee. No, I want to try out for the quidditch team next year, so I've come to watch the game."

"Katie is going to try out next year too, she's filling in for Astrix today. She's trying out for chaser, what about you?"

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora