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The last class she had that day, was flying class with Madam Hooch, a witch with cat like eyes and grey short hair, sticking in every direction. When they reached the grounds, she told everyone to stand next to a broom that laid spread across the grounds. Hermione and Katie took the last ones as she looked back at Madam Hooch and listened to her as she explained the first steps.

She put her hand over the broom and took in a deep breath, before calling out: "Up!"

The broom lay still on the ground not moving a twig. She looked around and saw that only two people managed to get it up in their grasp. Katie and a boy from Hufflepuff. Katie smiled happily, which made her mimic her expression. She focused back on the broom, after four more tries the broom flew up in her hand. Finally. She thought to herself. She looked up and saw Katie giving her a thumbs up. After about five minutes later everyone held a broom in their hands.

"Now everyone, mount your broom." Madam Hooch said as she walked past the students, watching their form. Hermione bit her lip nervously as she watched the other students climb their broom with ease.

"Hey, Hermione? You'll be fine." Katie placed her hand reassuringly on her shoulder. She swallowed thickly and nodded before looking back at her broom. She swung her leg over the broom and clenched her hands tightly around the handle.

"Now that everyone is in the right position. You can pull the broom up for a few seconds and back down. Just a slight nudge up, not too far."

Hermione again waited for the other students to start. A few of them dared to go a bit higher but most kids just flew a few inches above the ground. Her knuckles started to go white from her grip on the broom.

"Miss Granger, you need to relax. Loosen your grip." Hermione's head snapped up to the Professor in surprise. She loosened her grip and shuffled a bit on the broom. "Now just tilt the broom up. That's it." Hermione's grip became tighter again as her feet left the ground. She was just starting to lean down again when an explosion happened behind her. Because of the unexpected noise, Hermione pulled her broom up quickly and shot up in the air screaming. She was so scared she didn't hear the other students shout or madam Hooch trying to calm her down. She swerved from left to right, not being able to control the broom. Down on the ground Katie quickly pressed her broom in Madam Hooch's hands. She was just getting on the broom when Hermione flew against a tree. Her head banged on a branch and before everything turned black, she heard shouts coming closer.



Hermione woke up on something soft, hearing voices near her.

"You think she'll be alright?" Katie asked right next to her.

"Pomfrey said she'll be fine." Fred's voice was heard.

"This all our fault! Mum is going to kill us, Mrs. Granger too." George said on her other side.

Hermione frowned before she opened her eyes. From her position in the bed, she saw several neatly made beds pushed against the walls, she made out that she way laying in the hospital wing. Three sets of eyes looked at her with worry.

"Why is it your fault?" Hermione croaked as she sat up, wincing at the pain in her side.

"Here, madam Pomfrey said you need to take this for the pain, the moment you wake up." Katie handed her a vial and she drank it quickly, pulling a face as the bitter liquid made its way down her throat. She felt the pain subside immediately and smiled as she passed the vial back to Katie. She turned back to the twins glaring.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now