The Marauders' Map

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The months ticked by and before she knew it, it was march and Hermione had her fourth flying lesson with George that evening. In her second lesson, George let her steer as they flew close to the ground. He didn't need to intervene once. On the third lesson she flew by herself, just a few feet above the ground, but alone. Today she would fly higher, she told herself as she walked back from the library that evening. She was clutching her books as she walked through the empty corridors. She heard a few voices coming from behind a corner. Then suddenly she was standing in front of two third year Slytherins, who grinned wickedly at her, as they figured out who was standing in front of them.

"Oh, it's the little mudblood." One of them spat at her.

"I told you the know-it-all mudblood didn't have any friends. Would she be all alone if she had any?" The other cackled. "Those twins just feel sorry for her. Maybe we should show her some Slytherin hospitality, Broze?"

The boy named Broze grinned creepy, before lunging out at her. Hermione side stepped him quickly, holding her books tight as she ran for it. Her footsteps loud in the empty corridors, not stopping until she bumped into someone.

"Oomph." The person gasped as she nearly knocked him over. "Hey, little Granger." Fred smiled but it quickly faltered as he saw her crying as she pulled away from him. "What happened?" He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Nothing." She said, looking at the ground before pushing Fred away and ran past him.

"Hermione?!" Fred called after her.

"George!" Fred called to his twin as he climbed through the portrait. George looked up from the parchment he and Lee were looking over and found his doubleganger quickly. Fred nudged his head to the staircase, and they made their way up together.

"What happened? Aren't you supposed to go flying with Hermione?" George asked as they reached their dormitory.

"Yes, I was on my way and suddenly Hermione bumped into me, crying. She said nothing happened before she ran. I looked for her, but I can't find her. I need the map."

George looked at him for a moment before diving in his trunk. "What do you think happened?" He asked, his head still in the trunk.

"Don't know but it didn't seem like nothing."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, you have detention, remember?"

"How can I forget? Last time, Snape made me clean out bedpans." George shuddered and he pulled out the map. "Got it!"

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." Fred pointed his wand at the parchment the moment he grabbed it out of George's hand. Fred sat down on his bed and unfolded the map, spreading in out on his covers. George sat across from him as their eyes searched the parchment for one Hermione Granger. After a few minutes George called out pointing on the right corner of the parchment.

"There! She's in the muggle studies classroom."

"Great! I'll go get her; you better get going before Snape gives you double detention."

"Right. Mischief managed." George said, pointing his wand at the map. Fred folded it back up and stuffed it in his back pocket. They both jumped off the bed and hurried down the stairs. When they crossed the common room, Lee looked up for a second before waving at them and continued with his essay.

"I'll see you later, George." Fred said before they parted ways. Fred checked the map again, looking to see if she was still in the same spot, before heading down the secret passageway.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now