Christmas Break

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As Hermione stepped off the train, she immediately saw the Weasleys waiting for their kids. Her gaze didn't have to go far as her father was talking excitingly to Arthur Weasley. Hermione turned back when the twins and Katie stepped out from behind Angelina, Alicia and Lee.

"See you after break!" Lee called over with a wave and headed to his parents, the group waved back as Lee disappeared in the crowd. Hermione gave Angelina and Alicia a quick hug before they went to go find their parents.

"Katie, would you like to meet my parents?"

"I'd love to." She smiled as they walked over to the group with Fred and George in tow. "They're teeth doctors, right?"

"Dentists, yes." Hermione chuckled when they reached the group. "Mum, dad!" Hermione yelled as she flung her arms around her parents. "I missed you."

"We missed you too, dear." Her mother murmured in her hair.

"Oh, mum, dad." She said as she pulled back, beaming. "This is Katie."

"Nice to meet you." Katie smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Katie. We heard so much about you." Her father smiled. "We are so glad Hermione found a good friend."

"She has more than one!" George yelled as he stepped away from his mother and walked closer with Fred in tow.

"She has us, -"

"- and Lee, Ange and Alicia."

"But we are the best!" Fred grinned.

Her mother chuckled at the twins, shaking her head. "Hello boys, how are you?"

"Brilliant, Mrs Granger." They called out.

"Oh, little Granger. Ginny wants to say hi."

"Okay." Hermione looked between her parents and the twins unsure. "Katie, I'll see you in two weeks." She hugged her best friend.

"Yes, I'll write when your back from France." Katie smiled as she pulled back. "Bye, everyone." She waved and darted over to her parents. Hermione looked once more between the twins and her parents before making her way to the Weasley clan.

"Hi, Mrs Weasley." Hermione smiled as she walked up to the group.

"Oh, hello Hermione dear." Mrs. Weasley smiled big, then a frown followed. "The twins aren't too much trouble I hope?"

"No, nothing I can't handle." She chuckled as she glanced over her shoulder to the boys in question. "And I always have Charlie here to have my back." She grinned as Charlie walked over and draped an arm over her shoulder.

"I'm glad you all get along." Mr. Weasley smiled next to his wife.

"How was the sorting? How's quidditch?" Ginny started firing questions at them.

"Ginny dear, let the girl breathe."

"Hermione?" Her parents called over. "We better get going, we have a plane to catch this evening."

"A plane?" Mr. Weasley asked excitingly.

"Oh no." Ron groaned next to Ginny. Hermione chuckled at his reaction and turned to Mr. Weasley.

"I'm sure my dad will explain everything the next time you two meet. Maybe you can go see one." She smiled as Mr. Weasley got even more excited. "Charlie, I'll see you after break." She gave him a side hug before going over to her parents. "What are you guys talking about?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just, this and that." Her father grinned suspiciously. "Boys." Her father gave a nod to the twins.

"Mr Granger." The boys mimicked his movement with a grin.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now