Gingers In Every Corner

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Two months later Hermione had finally convinced her parents to let her go to Hogwarts. She was so excited that she had asked Professor McGonagall if she had any books to spare for her. The Professor immediately replied sending her; Hogwarts: A history, Book of Charms & spells and a beginner's guide to transfiguration through owl, no less. Her parents carefully tied a reply to the owl's leg to ask the costs of the books, but the Professor waved them off, telling them they were old copies that were laying around at the school and if they wanted, they could still by the new books when they get their official school list.

On boxing day Professor McGonagall made a surprise visit to the Granger house and her parents welcomed her warmly. She had brought Hermione some other books because she already finished hers. She brought The Toadstool Tales, Quidditch throughout the ages (because she played herself when she was young) and History of Magic. The last volume was so thick, the Professor thought it would take some time for her to finish it. She explained a bit more about Diagon Alley and the train she's going to take to Hogwarts on September 1st as they ate homemade cookies.

Hermione woke up at 6.30 on August 3rd, the day she was finally going to Diagon Alley to get her school things. She took a quick shower, got dressed and ate breakfast in silence, waiting for her parents to wake up. When she finished breakfast, she began pacing from the living room to the kitchen and back. At 8.30 her parents walked downstairs still dressed in their pyjamas.

"Morning, sweetheart. How long have you been awake?" Her mother smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"6.30," She mumbled quickly. "Why aren't you two dressed yet?"

"Hermione dear, we're only meeting... What was the name?"

"Wesleys? Ah no, the Weasleys." Her father spoke up as he poured himself some tea.

"We are only meeting the Weasleys in London at 11, we still have plenty of time."

Hermione huffed as she sat down next to her mother at the breakfast table, arms crossed. Her foot tapping the floor anxiously.

"So sweetheart, do you have a favourite house you would like get sorted in?" Her father asked looking up from his toast.

"Not really. Just not Slytherin, from the little bit I read about them... no."

"We can ask the Weasleys in what house they are in when we get there. Then you'll have a better idea."

"Yes, great idea mum. Professor McGonagall is the head of Gryffindor, so that's a big plus."

They talked about Hogwarts for a bit, before her parents made their way back upstairs to get ready. They drove the car to London and when they arrived at their destination, a whole pack of red heads were standing in front of a shabby looking tavern.

"I think that's them." Mrs. Granger nudged her head in the direction of the redheads. "Didn't Professor McGonagall say they all had red hair?"

"Yes indeed, that's a big bunch and look at their clothes." Her father cocked his head as he watched the family of eight standing in front of the leaky cauldron.

"Staring is rude." Hermione pointed out and opened her door. Her parents shook their heads chuckling and stepped out. They walked over to the ginger family.

"Hello. Are you the Weasleys?"

"Yes, yes. Good afternoon. I'm Molly and this is my husband, Arthur." The mother-witch smiled.

"I'm Daniel, this is my wife, Jean. Nice to meet you." They shook each other's hands while Arthur stood there gaping.

"Arthur." Molly hissed and elbowed him in the ribs.

Hermione Granger, Another Life - Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now