Kicked out

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"Tohru! It's not like you to be late." her friend, Arisa Uotani, called to her. "You oversleep?"

"Huh? Oh, that's right!" she replied.

Can't tell anyone we stayed at the "Prince's" house.

"So you admit you're SUPER lazy?" a voice asked Tohru. Minami Kino-shit-a. "You should've stayed at home and gotten more beauty rest!" She and her friend Mai Iwata stood in the doorway.

Saki Hanajima, another one of Tohru's friends, glared at them and preceded to chase them out of the classroom.

Hanajima is pretty creepy- but very pretty. (Yes I'm a simp😭)

 She was sort of a psychic who has the ability to sense people's "waves" and send out electric ones.

"The prince was late too, so they're extra on edge. And suspicions of you and Y/N." Uotani told Tohru. "Why were you late, Y/N?" She asked, turning to you.

"Uh, I forgot to set my alarm!" I lied.

"You really are stupid sometimes," she replied, smiling.

Why, thank you, Uo-chan!

Hanajima then came back into the room.

"What a bunch of air-heads!" Uotani continued, "Must be nice to be so dumb." 

I stared at her blankly. Was she throwing me in with those other assholes?


School was finally over, so I decided to roam around the neighborhood. I was not ready to face the wrath of my mom just yet. After a while, I made my way home as the sky turned a beautiful orange color.

I took a picture to savor the gorgeous image as I reached my house.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself for what was coming and stepped inside.

I was humbly greeted by a glass wine bottle thrown at the wall, inches away from where I stood.

"Where have you been?!" Yelled my mother, who was sitting on the couch.

"A-At a friend's house!" I squeaked.

"I know when you're lying Y/N!"

I gulped as she held another bottle up in the air.

"Tell me where you were!"

I couldn't speak, no matter how much I wanted to. 

"I brought you into this world and this is how you repay me? You are an ungrateful brat!" She spat as she hurled another bottle towards me, hitting me in the head and shattering. The now broken glass covered the floor and my arms.

Red liquid ran down my face and my arms.

I was in so much shock I couldn't even cry. I just stood there with a vacant look on my face.

"Get out of my house before I throw another one!" She yelled and went for a third bottle.

I then picked up a piece of glass from the floor and flung it at my mother. It shot across her cheek and blood oozed out.

"You bitch!" she screeched as I made my escape.

That's when the tears came. 

I wasn't sorry for hurting her, she deserved that. It was the pain in my body. The glass shards stuck out of my arms, my head was pounding, and my legs felt numb from running.

The crying wouldn't stop.

"Y/N?" I heard a male voice call me, but I couldn't make out who it was. My vision was blurry, so I stopped running and I dropped to the ground. the last thing I saw was the vibrant orange hair of the cat.

-Third person POV-

Shigure and Kyo were walking back home. Shigure had just tricked Kyo into taking a school transfer exam and he was pissed at him. They were arguing back and forth when they saw Y/N running towards them, blood dripping off of her. Shigure called out to her but she wasn't paying attention. 

She stopped running and fell, blacking out on the cool dirt. 

They ran over to her. Shigure picked her up and called their family doctor, Hatori Sohma.

My Kitty Cat(Kyo x f reader)Where stories live. Discover now