Chapter One

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The unmistakable sound of someone pounding on a door jolted the king of Elfhame awake.

Groaning he unraveled himself from his sheets and sat up. His head was pounding and the aftertaste of nevermore and liquor lingered in his mouth.

To put it simply.

He did not look kingly at all.

"What has possessed you to wake me at this ungodly hour?!"

He called to whatever pitiful creature had dared to wake him.

The squeaky sound of a fae replied, her voice shaky and muffled through his bedchamber door.

"M-my king Nicasa has demanded to see you."

Groaning Cardan flopped back on his bed.

"Tell her the king is asleep."

"She knows.. your highness."

Grabbing a pillow Cardan threw it at a wall receiving the satisfying sound of a goblet smashing.

He could almost see the fae jump with surprise from the other side of the door, her shriek echoed in his chambers.

At least he could still get a little amusement in the misery his life had become.

"Tell her not to disturb her king. She can wait until I am ready to see her."

The fae on the other side of the door sounded terrified now. With good reason.

Cardan hated being awoken especially for something as unnecessary and irrelevant as Nicasa.

"She insisted my king."

Of course she did.

Sighing he climbed out of his bed and stumbled his way to his robe. Carelessly he threw it on.

Normally he would not have cared if someone else saw him naked. In fact he enjoyed their reactions when they did.

But he was king now. He heard Jude's voice echo in his head. He had to start acting like one.


Shaking his head he obliterated any thought of the silly mortal girl. She was gone now anyways. It was a waste of his time to dwell on her.

Squinting at the door, Cardan let out a loud irritated sigh.

The door looked so far away and his vision was all wobbly.

How much liquor had he drowned himself in last night?

Did it really matter? No one was there to comment on it or even really notice anymore.

Nobody cared.

Reaching the door he swung it open making sure to glamour away any lasting affects the alcohol and nevermore had done to his appearance.

"Did she now?"

The fae was a small one, a pixie, she had light green hair and tainted pink skin.

If she hadn't woken him up at this hour for such an irrelevant reason he may have bedded her. If he had seen her a couple months ago..

She was good enough looking anyways.

The pixie cowered under his gaze, quickly she bowed, almost kissing the floor.

This amused Cardan if only for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't have woken you otherwise but my lady is really persistent."

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