Chapter Three

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That was all Cardan felt.

Before him sat 5 bottles of empty wine. He had been more intoxicated than this before, yet he could not get himself to open the 6th bottle.

He still felt.

How was this even possible?

Staring at the 6th bottle he weight his odds. If Jude had been here he would've downed it in an instant just to hear her scowl at him.

It was undeniably hot when she scowled at him. Especially when she didn't really mean it.

Yeah. Cardan was maybe a little tipsy.

Sighing he faced towards the door. Maybe he could get someone to drink with him. It would not be hard.

However the idea of getting up seemed like such an effort.

To hell with company anyways he thought reaching for the bottle.

To hell with friends they all end up breaking your heart or stealing your girlfriends anyways.

He brought the bottle to his chest.

To hell with love.

He popped the cork off. He was about to drown himself in the spectacular wine when a loud sound came from outside his camber door.

Turning his head Cardan was momentarily interested until the door opened.

"Why do you have a guard outside your door?" Came her voice, as irritating as ever.

"Nicasa." He grumbled suddenly finding the wall behind her very interesting.

She did not take kindly to his greeting. Crossing her arms she tapped her foot.

"Why was there a guard outside your door who would not allow access to me?" She pushed.

Cardan sighed, slowly he took a swing of wine before answering her question.

"Because I wish to be left alone." He waved her off.

He had wished for a drinking buddy. And he would have taken anyone. Anyone other than Nicasa.

"To drink the day away?" She questioned her eyebrows lifting.

"More like my sorrows." He grumbled pouring almost half the bottle down his throat this time.

Nicasa was getting closer.

"Want a companion to get wasted with?".

"What does that mean?"

"I want to drink with you Cardan."

He scoffed looking into the bottle to see how much wine he had left. It was not enough to endure another 5 minutes with her.

"Leave Nicasa, the guard at the door should have been enough of an indicator."

But she was not listening to him instead she took two bottles and poured them down her throat so fast Cardan let out a surprised yelp.

"Where did you learn to do that?" He could not help but ask.

Nicasa smiled at him wine dripping from her lips. Quickly she licked it away and sat infront of him on the floor.

"Let me drink another bottle with you and I will tell you."

Cardan narrowed his eyes, however, the wine was making it hard to remember why she was so irritating 2 seconds ago. And why she was not suppose to be cool now.

Slowly he handed her his half finished bottle.

She inhaled it like it was oxygen.

When she was finished she sighed before replying.

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