Chapter Five

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"Who's this?", apparently mortals still hadn't learned the concept of greetings, offering the muscled man who had just walked through Jude's door a less than pleasant smile, Cardan crafted a reply.

"Someone who is way more important than you." Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jude shake her head while her boyfriend scowled at him disapprovingly.

There was something about having Jude disappointed in the way he interacted with others again that gave Cardan such a bubbly feeling inside.

Smiling a true smile he turned to the man who was shorter than him. "And who are you, mortal?"

The man raised a brow before putting a brown squared shaped thing on the table, in a way that flexed his muscles too much for it to be an accident.

"I'm John."

"What a boring name." He commented, not able to stop himself. Somehow without even knowing this man Cardan already hated him.

Unfortunately Jude did not share his views, turning a glare on him she let out a very angry "Cardan!" before turning towards the brown square.

Cardan was watching Jude carefully fascinated by the way she took the brown box and brought it into another room, he was about to follow her when the John's voice distracted him.

"So your Cardan." He commented a tension in his shoulders suddenly gone, Cardan did not have a good feeling about that.

"You've heard of me?" He questioned sizing up the male who was obviously more muscled than him. Maybe he should stop drinking and start to work out more..

"The asshole who Jude curses whenever she can? Of course we've all heard of you."

Cardan stopped his sizing, looking at the man quizzically, "Who's we?"

At this John smiled, "The people at the gym of course, she goes there often, she said working out takes her mind off how much she wants to kill you, we all have bets on what you did to her."

Cardan froze, all this information was new to him. The fact that Jude socialized with other people, other men in the mortal world had not been something he had thought of, and the fact that he had no idea what they talked about or more importantly did, left him with an ugly feeling.

However, he was not about to reply to Johns little speech with that, instead he chose the safest option.

"What's a gym?"

John laughed at that, making Cardan feel inferior, something he hated, he was about to curse the man when John started speaking.

"You look like someone who wouldn't know what a gym is." He commented, like it was an insult. However, Cardan didn't feel insulted instead he was left more confused, the man had not answered his question.

He was about to lecture John on how questions and answers worked when Jude called from the kitchen.

"Cardann.. could you come help me?"

"Gladly." He replied thankful that he did not have to speak to the incompetent short muscled mass in front of him.

"If you will excuse me my Jude is calling for me." He brushed past John, his body feeling way harder than should be possible and was about to go into the small room Jude had entered when John grabbed his arm.

"She's not your Jude, Dude that ship has sailed, she's already claimed."

Cardan loosened himself from Johns grip and continued his walk towards Jude, calling over his shoulder he replied.

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