Chapter Four

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"You look terrible."

Cardan turned around to see the Roach and the Bomb behind him.

The Bomb was leaning on a chair while the Roach had a bottle of wine in his hand.

Cardan narrowed his eyes at the Roach.

"That is not possible."

He commented continuing on with the massive stack of ridiculous requests he had decided to fill out today with.

"When was the last time you looked in the mirror?" Asked the Roach a grin on his face.

Cardan sighed. The two of them had shown up out of nowhere interrupting his work, while the Bomb was peacefully quite the Roach was not.

Forgetting about his stack of requests for the moment he thought back to when he had last had a chance to look at himself in a mirror.

"Thursday." He finally answered, crossing his arms.

The Bomb laughed out loud, apparently this time it was her turn to speak.

"I've never known you to be one much for working Cardan, especially as king, that was more Jude's thing."

Cardan cringed at her name, turning away from them, he suddenly could not wait to finish his pile.

"I think you hit a sore spot." Commented the Roach not an ounce of sympathy in his voice.

"Do you two have a reason to be here or is it just to irate me?" He asked, looking through the mountain of words he had yet to read.

"Yes we have come to investigate why our king is suddenly doing his job, it's very peculiar."

Joked the Bomb hopping off the chair she was leaning on.

Cardan groaned.

"But I think we have found the reason.."

Continued the Roach, this was obviously a game to them.

"Her name starts with jew and ends with ude." He finished. Taking a seat next to Cardan.

Cardan kept his gaze on the request in front of him the words going blurry in his vision.

The Bomb was suddenly at his right leaning now on his chair her white hair standing her out in Cardans vision.

"In all seriousness, you've been killing yourself over all this work. You haven't even had time to drink."

To this Cardan slammed the request down on the table and glared at her.

"When I drink, you all complain. When I do not drink, you all still complain. What must I do to be able to avoid in peace!"

He blurted his hands in the air.

The Bomb and the Roach where unaffected.

Suddenly came the annoying sound of someone to his left.

"Ahh... so he is avoiding, I wonder who."

Cardan rolled his eyes. If this had been anyone else he would have send them away. However the Bomb, Roach and Ghost where the closest things he had to friends in this place.

They were good enough company, and he knew deep down, despite this irrelevant ambush they were worried and trying to help.

So he gave in.

"Not who, a thought, a realization. Alas it has been a success to avoid it in this past week, let me continue."

Shaking her head in mock sympathy the Bomb took out a glass and set it in front of Cardan.

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