Chapter Two

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The sound of light footsteps awoke Cardan. He was clutching a pillow like it was life support, looking like a child with a toy.

He woke up most mornings like this, the empty spot where Jude had been once, was too much for his subconscious to bear.

Non the less it did not mean that whoever was in his chambers had to see him replacing Jude in his arms with a pillow.

What could a king do to not be woken up at an unforgivable hour?

"Someone relevant better be dying, on their death bed, or dead. Or I swear, you will not leave this room alive."

He grumbled making sure he's body was covered. While it had been true he had liked to take women fae of all kinds to his bed in the past.

Even the cute pixie that had awoken him rudely yesterday no longer aroused anything in him.

He supposed that his body knew that it never would enjoy it as much as he had enjoyed Ju-

His thoughts were interrupted by the ghost.

"Cardan. There has been no responses to your letters."

Suddenly Cardan wanted his pillow back. Shuffling he made sure his face was facing the opposite wall to the one where the Ghosts voice was coming from.

"So you have awoken me for what reason..? To rub salt in the wound?"

Light footsteps again. Cardan would not have noticed them if he had not once caught Nicasa trying to sneak into his chambers at night.

Since then he had asked the ghost to train his ears to hear even better than the normal fae could. He had trained well and now he could even hear his teacher coming.

"I've awoken you to inform you that your methods of communicating with Jude are ineffective."

As much as he hated the Ghost right now, Cardan would admit one thing about him. He was a brave man. And in the past couple of months they had grown close.

Someone who did not know Cardan would even call them friends.

But that was no true. Cardan only befriended cruel people and the ghost was not that. At least not in his eyes.

Still he saw no point for this rude awakening.

"Could you not have waited until a more suitable hour to remind me I cannot find a way to get my wife to answer me?"

The Ghost came closer yet. Cardan could feel his eyes on his back.

Flipping to face him, he narrowed his eyes at the half fae.

"No it had to be now."

"And why is that?"

"Because I don't think you should write to her anymore."

Sighing Cardan grabbed the pillow and slammed it in his face.

"So what? you want me to give up? And worse you woke me up to tell me to give up on my own wife?".

He may have respected the fae. Maybe even liked him. But Cardan was 90% sure he was about to strangle the man.

"No. I don't want you to give up."

"It may be the hangover but you are making no sense."

The Ghost smiled at him like that was funny. That may have been the first time Cardan had ever seen him smile.

Though, he could not remember much through the pounding in his head.

But Jude he could remember.

Now matter what he did to himself she was imprinted in his mind.

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