{Ryujin} - you have an asthma attack on the set of Cheshire - ITZY sixth member

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Today is a huge day.

Today, you and the girls are filming your latest music video for the title track of the newest album - Cheshire.

You're feeling so excited about it as this is one of your favorite tracks you and the girls have ever made and you just know that the video is going to be amazing.

"Is everyone ready?" The director asked.

"We're ready!" Yuna exclaimed.

Starting with one of the dance scenes, you all took your places and listened closely as the track played in the background.

As the director began to film, you all began to dance along to the song as you mouthed along to the lyrics.

Everything was going fine until you began to feel a tightness in your chest.

You started to struggle to breathe, finding it difficult to get a breath of air into your lungs.

"Stop, stop." You said as all eyes landed on you. "I can't, I can't breathe."

The girls immediately jumped into action to try and help you.

"Sit down, Y/N," Yeji said as she and Ryujin helped you sit on the ground.

But it seemed that every position was uncomfortable for you.

You couldn't stand, you couldn't sit, you couldn't do anything to get comfortable.

"Where's your inhaler?" Ryujin asked as she rubbed your back in comfort.

"I-I don't know. My bag, I think."

Lia hurried over across the room to grab your bag before bringing it to your side.

Ryujin grabbed it and dumped everything onto the floor as she searched for your inhaler, finally finding it beside your wallet.

"Take it." She said. "Breathe, Y/N. Deep breath in."

She put the inhaler into your mouth and you took in the puff of air, hoping with everything in you that it'd reach your lungs quickly.

She gave you one more puff before putting it beside her on the ground.

"Do we need to call an ambulance?" Chaeryeong panicked. "What if she needs something more than just the inhaler?"

"Let's just give her a minute," Ryujin said. "Breathe, Y/N."

You took in a few deep breaths, taking them in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

"Good girl."

You closed your eyes as relief began to overwhelm you.

The inhaler was starting to take effect.

"Good girl, Y/N," Ryujin spoke. "Just relax. We're all here for you. You're going to be okay."

You took a few more minutes to catch your breath until you felt as though the attack had passed.

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital for a breathing treatment? Are you sure you can breathe okay?" Chaeryeong asked, continuing to worry and fuss over you.

"I think I'm okay." You said.

"We should get you back to the dorm," Ryujin said.

"We need to film the video."

"No, you need to rest," Yeji said.

"Yeji's right. What matters right now is you resting. Your body just went through a lot. We don't need you throwing yourself into another asthma attack." Lia spoke.

"Ryu? Will you come with me?"

Ryujin smiled as she grabbed your hand in hers.

"I don't want to be alone right now. I'm scared. I'd feel a lot safer if I had you."

"Of course." She answered. "I'll stay with you for a while."

"We'll do our individual scenes for a while and do more group stuff tomorrow. Just rest up for now." Yeji said.

"Come on, babe. Let's get you back to the dorm. We'll rest, watch some movies, maybe take a nap."

"I'd like that." You said.

Yuna put everything back in your bag for you though she had Ryujin hold onto your inhaler for you, just in case you needed it again.

You got into the car with Ryujin as the driver began to take you both back to the dorm.

"Can you breathe alright? Do you need another puff?"

"I'm okay. I feel like I can breathe right now."

"Okay." She said before smiling as you put your head on her shoulder. "I've got you,
Y/N. You're safe, I promise."

You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath as you relaxed.

You felt completely worn out and a little on edge that it might return.

But you know that if it does, Ryujin will be right there with you.

She won't let anything happen to you.

She'll keep you safe, no matter what.

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