{Sullyoon} - you're the seventh member of NMIXX & collapse during practice

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"I don't know about you being here today,
Y/N. You really don't look good." Sullyoon said with a frown.

You and the girls are supposed to spend the entire day in practice today as you prepare for the upcoming comeback.

It feels as though it's just around the corner and you all have so much work ahead of you that you can't afford to miss out on practice.

Even when you're sick.

Just as you are right now.

You're feeling feverish, exhausted, and a little sick to your stomach.

You don't feel like being in practice at all today.

You'd rather be back in the dorm, curled up in bed under your warm fluffy blankets and getting some much-needed sleep.

But you can't.

There's so much to do and you can't afford to miss anything.

"I'll be fine." You said.

But Sullyoon didn't buy it, nor did any of the other members.

"Let's just get to practicing. We've got so much to do."

The girls all looked at each other in concern but eventually decided to drop it, knowing that they wouldn't get anywhere with it.

"Okay, let's do it," Haewon said.

The music started and you all began to dance around, following each step that you all know by heart at this point.

However, you were moving much slower than usual.

And that was all because you felt as though you might be sick as well as feeling a little dizzy.

"Y/N?" Lily frowned as she noticed you looking sick.

You placed your hand on your head as the room began to spin.

The music stopped and the girls all looked at you with a look of worry.

They knew something wasn't right.

Instinctively, Sullyoon came over and put her hand on your shoulder.

"Are you alright, y/n?" She asked.

But before you could say anything, everything went black and you fainted.

Sullyoon caught you before you could hit the floor and gently laid you down as the girls gathered around you.

"Y/N!" Bae shouted in concern.

"Is she okay?" Kyujin wondered.

"Y/N, babe?" Sullyoon softly spoke as she caressed your warm cheek.

You opened your eyes a moment later, much to their relief.

"Are you alright?" Haewon asked as she placed her hand on your shoulder.

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine, Y/N, you just passed out!" Lily said.

"I'll be alright. I just need some water and I'll be okay to keep practicing."

Sullyoon helped you stand up, only for you to collapse on the floor once more.

"We need to get her to the hospital," Sullyoon said. "She keeps collapsing. Something's not right."

You tried to stand up again, only to collapse yet again.

"I agree. She needs to get checked out." Jiwoo spoke.

"Alright, I'm calling an ambulance," Bae said as she pulled out her phone.

"I'm alright."

"You're not alright. Stop saying that." Sullyoon said as she grabbed your hand in hers.

Although all the girls were worried about you, Sullyoon was most concerned.

"The ambulance will be here soon. Just relax." Lily said.

It was obvious that you were scared and seeing that, Sullyoon held your hand a little tighter.

"It'll be okay." She said.

"Will you go with me?" You asked her and she nodded with a soft smile.

"Of course." She assured. "I won't let go."

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