{Yeonjun} - you're the sixth member of ITZY

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You lay awake in bed with your head on the pillow, trying your hardest to fall asleep.

Today had been a crazy day and you felt exhausted before climbing into bed, only to get a second wind and feel restless while your band members sleep in their rooms.

You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep, only to hear your phone buzz on the nightstand.

You reached for it, wondering if it could be your manager sending you an important text for the morning or someone else from the company.

But, to your surprise, it was your boyfriend Yeonjun.

"Are you still awake?" The text read.

"Yeah." You replied.

"Okay." He said and you sent a few question marks in response as to why he replied like that.

But you brushed it off, wondering if he had been too tired to send a different reply and just fell asleep.

But a few minutes later, after continuing to lay wide awake, there was a knock on your window.

You got a little scared at first because you've had one too many encounters with sasaengs but you felt relief upon turning on your light and finding Yeonjun out there.

You got out of bed and opened your window to let him in, quietly closing it after.

"What are you doing here? It's four am and I have to be up in a couple of hours to go into the studio. The girls might find you here!"

He just shook his head and put his lips on yours, pulling you in for a sweet and soft kiss.

"I can't sleep and neither can you. I thought I'd come over and we could spend a little time together."

"It's been a while since we've been able to spend time together." You sighed as you put your hands on his shoulders. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." He replied before kissing your lips again. "Want to cuddle?"

"Yeah." You smiled and took his hand to lead him to your bed.

You laid down and after he climbed under the covers with you, you curled up as close as you could to him and put your head on his chest.

"Can you believe in a couple of weeks it'll be five months that we've been together?"

"It's crazy to think about." You said as you listened to his heartbeat. "I've never been so happy."

"Me too, sweet girl." He said as he started to play with your hair.

You smiled at the sweet name that he always calls you and as he played with your hair, you finally felt comforted enough to fall asleep.

He did the same not long after.

The sight of you sleeping so peacefully while cuddling so close to him made his heart swell with love and he felt so content that he just drifted off to sleep while keeping you close to him.

A couple of hours later, Yeji awoke to her alarm going off, and after turning it off she got out of bed to go and wake everyone else up.

She went into every other room first before going to yours.

But upon opening the door, she was met with a surprising sight.

"Yeonjun?" She quietly spoke in shock.

"Is everything okay?" Lia mumbled as she made her way to Yeji, peeking into your room with her. "Oh my gosh, is that Yeonjun?"

Yeji held back a grin as she walked over to your bed and shook you awake.

"Y/N, wake up!"

You opened your eyes and saw her standing beside your bed.

"Yeonjun, you too!"

You went wide-eyed and looked up at your boyfriend who was opening his tired eyes too.

At the sound of Yeonjun's name being called by Yeji, the other girls quickly rushed into your room.

"Yeonjun, what are you doing here?" Yuna asked with big eyes as she saw him curled up with you in your bed.

"Why didn't you tell us you have a boyfriend?" Ryujin asked.

"Well, uh," You mumbled as you looked at Yeonjun and then at your bandmates. "We were just trying to see how things went between us before we told anyone."

Yeonjun placed his hand over yours as you both sat up.

"You like each other a lot, don't you?" Chaeryeong smiled from the doorway.

"No," Yeonjun said. "We love each other."

The girls cooed over his response.

"How long have you been together?" Lia excitedly wondered.

"Five months, almost." You replied. "In two weeks, it'll be five months."

Yeji suddenly smacked your arm, making you go wide-eyed.

"And you didn't tell us!?"

"We haven't told anyone yet," Yeonjun said. "We were planning to soon but we just wanted to see how things went between us first."

"We're so happy for you!" The girls excitedly squealed.

"You make a cute couple!" Yuna grinned.

"Well, we all have to hang out soon. Maybe tomorrow? We have the day off then."

"Sounds fun," Yeonjun said as he wrapped his arm around you to pull you closer, his lips brushing against your head softly.

"And you, mister, need to tell your bandmates," Chaeryeong ordered.

"Okay," Yeonjun chuckled.

"One more thing though," Ryujin said as she walked into the room, making her way to the other side of the bed, where Yeonjun was sitting. "We adore you and your friends but if you ever hurt our girl here, you'll regret it."

Yeonjun's eyes went big before you started to giggle.

"I'm serious," Ryujin said.

"I know you are," Yeonjun said. "But don't worry. I love Y/N and I would never hurt her." He promised.

The girls all pulled you and Yeonjun into a big hug, squealing with happiness.

"I hate to do this but we have practice," Yeji said.

"I get it, don't worry. I have to be in the studio, anyway."

You shared a quick kiss before he left out the front door, promising to return tonight.

"Y/N's in love," Lia teased as she hugged you.

"We're so happy for you," Chaeryeong said as she squeezed your shoulder.

"I'm happy for you too, but as your leader, I have to tell you to get your butt up right now and go get ready!"

You got out of bed and went to the closet to grab some sweats and a sweater before you went to brush your teeth and get ready for the day, happier than ever before.

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