{Jennie} - messing with you - BLACKPINK fifth member

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"Y/N, come on, stay focused!" Lisa said as you threw your head back with a groan.

Beads of sweat were traveling across your forehead as you tried to catch your breath.

Shut down, the song for the newest comeback that was quickly approaching was playing over the speakers in the practice room.

Rosie, Jisoo, and Jennie were all sitting on the floor as they drank some water and watched you.

They've got the choreography down. They know every move by heart at this point.

It didn't take them long to learn it, Lisa included.

You, however, seem to be struggling with a few steps.

It's late, nearing midnight, and you've all been here since early this morning so you're all feeling the tension and exhaustion.

You just want to go home and rest but you need to get these steps down so you can prepare for the other things coming up for the comeback.

You're being hard on yourself but the girls have noticed that the only person behind being harder on you than yourself seems to be Lisa.

"Why do you keep stumbling? You're doing it all wrong!" Lisa said in frustration. "I could just pull my hair out." She grumbled.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying." You said as you tried to do the moves again, only for Lisa to get annoyed with you yet again.

"You're trying? Well, you're obviously not trying hard enough!"

"Okay, calm down," Jennie said as she got up. "Come on, Y/N. It's alright. Brush it off. I'll help you."

You felt Jennie's comforting touch as she rubbed your heavy shoulders and you breathed out a long sigh.

"It's okay. You know this. You're just feeling the pressure. That's why we're here; to help each other in times like these. Show me, you can do it."

You looked at her in the mirror in front of you before taking a deep breath and trying to do the moves once more.

But, yet again, you messed up.

"Get it together, will you?" Lisa groaned.

"I'm sorry!"

"Stop being sorry and just do it right!" Lisa yelled. "If you would just do it correctly, we could all be home by now. But no, you have to keep screwing up! Why can't you just do it right!?"

"Lisa!" Jennie sternly said as she looked at her friend in shock. "Stop being so hard on her. What's the matter with you? She's doing her best."

Lisa folded her arms over her chest as her eyes met yours.

"You've struggled with choreography sometimes. You know it's not always easy to learn. It's pretty easy to put yourself in her shoes. Be nice to her!"

It was quiet for a few seconds before Lisa burst into giggles.

"Why are you laughing!?"

"Because we're only messing with you." Lisa giggled.

"What?" Jennie mumbled as she looked at you.

"I wouldn't ever be so harsh to Y/N, you should know that," Lisa said as she walked to you and hugged you close.

"This was all a prank?" Jennie asked in surprise, eyes going wide.

"We just wanted to see how you'd react to something like this."

Jennie rolled her eyes before you and Lisa hugged her.

"Oh, don't be mad. We love you. Thank you for standing up for me and supporting me." You said as you laid your head on Jennie's shoulder.

"Anytime." She said as she hugged you and put her head on yours.

"Come on, Y/N. Show her that you know it already." Lisa encouraged as she squeezed your shoulder.

You pulled away from Jennie and started doing the dance moves you pretended you didn't know, doing them flawlessly.

The whole time, Lisa cheered you on as Jennie watched you with an adoring gaze and a sweet smile on her face.

Rosie and Jisoo had been in on the prank, though they were too worn out physically and mentally to join in on it.

They just proudly watched you dance, cheering and applauding when you were done.

"See! She's so smart and talented," Lisa smiled as she hugged you while you caught your breath.

"Great job, Y/N," Jennie said as she rubbed your back. "You're doing great."

"Thanks." You said, sending her a sweet smile that made her heart skip a beat. "I think it's time we call it a night." You suggested. "I'm exhausted."

"I agree." Rosé said as she and Jisoo stood up.

"This comeback is going to be so great!" Jisoo said as she, Lisa, and Rosie started to head for the door after grabbing their things.

You and Jennie grabbed your bags, too.

Laying your head on her shoulder, she wrapped her arm around you as you headed out the door behind the other girls, grateful that you've all got each other's backs.


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