{HyunChan} - you're the sixth member of ITZY and they cheer for you

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The sounds of the screams coming from all around them as the lights went down and the music started made Hyunjin and Chan so proud.

Tonight, you and the girls are performing in Seoul, on one of the biggest stages.

Your boyfriends were aware of how nervous you felt while preparing for this.

You and the girls have worked your butts off, spending several hours in practice to prepare for each song and performance, making it as perfect as possible.

Unfortunately, the other boys couldn't make it as last-minute things come up for them.

But Chan and Hyunjin were proud to be in the very front row with their light rings in their hands.

They weren't missing this for the world.

The first song on the set list for tonight was in the morning and your boyfriends couldn't help the way their smiles grew bigger and wider every time they heard the fans sing along or your line came up.

You looked so gorgeous in your stage outfit, the beautiful black outfit driving your boyfriends crazy as they watched you dance and sing.

When the song came to an end, you took your ending pose and as the fans cheered once again and the lights went down, you couldn't hold back your smile.

But two fans, in particular, were very loud, drowning out the excited screams from fans around as they cheered for you.

"Go Y/N!" Chan yelled and you burst into giggles as the girls teased you.

"That's our girl!" Hyunjin said, causing your cheeks to get warm as you got a little embarrassed.

But it was sweet.

It melted your heart to hear them cheering you on.

Even in a crowd of thousands, they're still the ones cheering loudest for you, and that warmed your heart and made you realize just how lucky you truly are.

"I think two people in the crowd are especially proud of our sweet girl here," Lia teased as she playfully poked your sides.

"I know I don't have to ask Hyunjin and Chan but who's excited for the next song!?" Yuna asked, hyping the fans up, feeling that rush of excitement when they screamed loudly again.

"Us too! This one is called sooo LUCKY. Hope you enjoy!" Yeji said.

For this song, you all went your separate ways on the stage to go and wave to fans in the crowd.

You headed right to the edge, right in front of your boyfriends.

As your lines came up, you sang right to them, your eyes locking with theirs the whole time.

"I'm lucky, lucky, lucky. You're so lucky, lucky, lucky," You sang to them and they smiled brightly at you, eyes full of stars.

And as they sang along, despite your best friends surrounding you on stage and the thousands of fans in the crowd, it almost felt as though only the three of you existed.

It was so special and so perfect.

You nearly teared up as you looked around the crowd in awe and listened to the fans sing along with you and the girls, along with your boyfriends.

You felt as though you were the luckiest and happiest girl in the world, surrounded by so much love and joy from people that support you endlessly.

When the song ended, you stepped off stage for a second, just to give your boyfriends a kiss on their cheeks.

"Thank you for always being my biggest fans. I love you both so much." You told them and watched their big grins return.

And as the next song, not shy, started, you got back up on stage with your girls and continued to put on the best show you all could as the boys and the fans continued to scream at the top of their lungs for you.

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