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This is part two! I hope you enjoy it.


It's been three fucking days, and no sign of my husband or my son. I hope that they are ok.

I was sitting in my chair, my mind racing full of thousands of thoughts of outcomes as to why I haven't heard from any of them. I was starting to lose hope.

I had enough of sitting around and waiting for them to come back, I got up and went into my bedroom and put on my armor.

When I was done I went outside, the cold air pricking my face like thorns. I walked through the snow and to a shed at the side of the mansion.

Inside it was my nukes, missiles, and all kinds of different explosives. I put one of each in my shulker box and went on my search.

Hours passed, no signs of either one of them, until I found footprints. They were Ranboo's, I started excitedly following them regaining the hope I had lost before.

After a few more hours I found him, he was with Phil and techno. They were at a cave and Sam was guarding it. "SAM I WON'T ASK YOU AGAIN! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON!?" Ranboo shouted as he tried to push past him.

Sam pushed him back. I planted the nuke on the hill I was on and walked toward them with the detonator in hand. "Yeah Sam, where is our son?" I asked. All of them turned their heads to look at me.

"Tubbo!" My husband happily said as he ran to me pulling me into his arms that held me tight. He planted a bunch of kisses on my face and let go of me.

"Tubbo Ranboo, listen! I have no idea where Michael is ok?" Sam said as he raised his sword at me and Ranboo. "Then why are you guarding this random cave? You're supposed to be guarding the prison!" I pointed out.

He began to get nervous, "w-well uhm I-uhh..." He stopped talking because he saw that I knew he was lying.

"Let us into the cave!" Ranboo demanded. Sam sighed and stepped aside. Techno, Phil, Ranboo, and I all walked in. It was dark and the only thing that produced light was Ranboo's glowing red and green eyes, I always loved them.

Going deeper into the cave we found a small room. Ranboo and I went in at the same time. Upon going inside we noticed that it was a small room but it had weapons and experiment items such as potions, poison, and other things.

At the very back was Michael, he was chained to the wall. "MICHAEL!" I yelled dropping to my knees in front of him. "Bee!" He yelled.

Phil and techno walked in and undid the chains. "What do we do now that we got him free?" Techno asked. "I think that we give Sam a little... Surprise." I said, Ranboo knew what I was thinking and looked at me in agreement.

I picked Michael up and we walked out of the cave. "Phil, techno, can you take Michael home with you?" I asked, they nodded and took Michael home.

"What? You can't just take him!" Sam shouted. "And why not? He's our son." I said. He looked scared, but then he became brave again. He put the end of the blade of his sword to Ranboo's neck yet he wasn't fazed at all.

"Oh Sam.. You just raised your sword at a guy who's husband has a missile launcher!'' He laughed and covered his ears as I pressed the detonator.

[ Nuke has been launched, prepare for the impact in 5,]

Sam lowered his sword and began to run.


Ranboo and I ran out of the forest and watched.






The whole entire forest exploded and fire was everywhere

[Sam burned trying to escape the nuke.]

"Really, a nuke, out of all the explosives you have you chose a nuke?" He asked. "Aww come on boss man, I just wanted to have a little fun.." I whined looking up at him.

He looked down at me as he laughed. "I missed you a lot, I was so worried." I said. He hugged me and teleported us to our mansion. "I love you bee." He said. "I love you too." I said back as Michael hugged our legs and tugged on Ranboo's suit.

He picked him up and spun him around and set him back down. I looked at Ranboo and stood on my tip toes and sweetly pecked his lips a couple of times.

"I'm so glad to be home." He said. I nodded. "I'm so glad that my boys are home in one piece." I said as I hugged him one more time.

Happy ending! Also that took so long to write so I hope you enjoyed. Byee!!

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