things I love.

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Tubbo's pov*

Things I love about Ranboo:

His laugh.

His soft sweet voice.

How good of a father he is to Michael.

His care toward me and Micheal.

How amazing of a husband he is to me.

Both his enderman half and the Unknown half of him.

How protective he is over Micheal and I.

His long tail that can wrap around me almost three times.

How he's not afraid to cry to me if something is bothering him.

His short but sweet gentle kisses.

How with every touch he can make my worries go away.

How he can easily calm me down when I'm not in the best state.

His smile.

Ranboo's pov*

Things I love about Tubbo:

His scars, when he finds them ugly and a sign of weakness I find them beautiful and a sign of strength.

His smile.

His adorable laugh.

His soft ears that twitch he's excited, tired, or when he's mad.

How he's an amazing Father and husband.

How strong he is.

How he can comfort me so easily.

How protective he is over Micheal.

How he's not afraid to cry to me when something's bothering him or when he needs to.

How he listens to me when I need to talk.

His kisses.

How he makes me feel safe and loved.

How he makes me feel better when I'm sad or panicked.

Ranboo and Tubbo's diary| Beeduo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now