Chapter 15

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Rens took Chel to ice cream shop, we all know she loves ice cream but something weird happen, Chel doesn't seems to enjoy any bite of the ice cream, she gave the ice cream to Rens instead, that absolutely make him questioning.

"Are you alright?" He asked

"I.. I'm fine" Chel replied weakly

"You don't seem fine to me" Said Rens

He then put his hand on her forehead and yes Chel is not fine, she suddenly got fever out of nowhere

"You have fever" Said Rens

Chel Sighed and said " i knew it.. i shouldn't eat too much ice cream today"

"Wait, you already ate Ice cream before this?" Asked Rens surprisedly

"Last night, before school, on break time, and after school" Chel replied

Rens then facepalm himself and took Chel back to her house, once they arrived Rens told Aksa what had happen, as her sister Aksa know for sure the reason she doesn't want the ice cream was not because the fever but Aksa decided to keep her mouth shut, They thanked Rens for dropped Chel home safely, and then Rens say goodbye and go back to his house. The sisters put Chel to her bed and Aksa stay in the room while Shion prepared some food for her.

"So, why you don't want to eat the ice cream sis?" Asked Aksa

"I thought it was obvious that im sick" Chel replied

"It is obvious that you are sick but come on sis, we all know you never reject ice cream even if you're sick" Said Aksa raising her one eyebrow

"Fine, you got me. I don't want to eat ice cream because i just don't feel like it, after what he said to me i just can't get over it yet, it's still hurt"

"Ohhhh, i see i see, well take your time to process his apology sis, and get well soon" said Aksa and left the room

Chel staring at the ceiling and keep thinking about how Rens always try to make it up to her, and she remember the question he asked to her, who? Which one she likes the most? All night she keeps thinking about it because herself doesn't know how to answer that, she doesn't know her own feelings towards them, she began to feel headache, tired, and in the end she fall asleep.

"I can't believe you done this to me..."

💭: This again?... This is my memory... That made me traumatized of falling in love again

"You can't run away from problems, it'll only chase you"

💭: I...

"i don't care!! I hate you i hate you!! You dare make me thinking that you like me and then just leave without a word!"

💭: Isn't that- me?

"I don't like you.. but i love you" in a whispering voice

💭: Wait what? Wh-who said that... I don't remember he said that

"Im sorry okay, i was busy with college"

💭: Now this is what he told me

"I really want to be with you... Please believe me" another whispering voice

💭: Wait what... This is not- is this what he said in his mind?

The voice was so small, so soft, in Chel's Dream she's in Rens' body, and it's hurt. Vision start blurring and fade away as she open her eyes and staring at the ceiling.

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