Chapter 6

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Maybe people asking why am i traumatized to fall in love?
I'm not traumatized to fall in love, I'm traumatized with the person.
I'm just scared to fall in love, I'm scared if the same accident will happen again.

He was... A sweet and caring person

"Hey are you free?? Can we meet somewhere plss i miss you" he said

"I'll Stay in Call until you fall asleep"
What he always do before..

And once he finds out i forgot to drink he'll be mad and told me to drink, and when I'm sick he will visit and took care of me, but when he couldn't he'll make sure to call me just to know how am i doing

Everything changed... Just because one simple mistake that misunderstood him

"I can't believe you done this to me.. we promised to trust each other"

" I.. but i didn't mean it that way, i did that for your own good "

" That's enough... You keeping a secret from me and lie about it, were over. You never keep your promise "

" What.. no.. i didn't mean it"

" I'm sorry, I can't trust you anymore "

I hide it so you won't be worried... I know you'll be mad at me if you knew.. but no matter how many times i tried to tell you , you never want to listen and losing your trust make me scared if one day I'll lose someone's trust just because of love...
And not just that.. you start ignoring me, being rude to me..

I'm not losing you as a Boyfriend only but also losing you as a friend and it really makes me scared so badly whenever i see you


Days just passed but Sora still do the same thing he still act cares about Chel even start a conversation first and on some point it annoyed Chel, untill that day she snapped at Sora in front of the school gate after school is over.

Sora: "you going already? Is there any Subject you don't understand? I could help you with it"

Chel: " could you Please leave me Alone ?!"

Sora: "I'm just trying to help you"

Chel: "STOP PRETENDING!! are you stupid or something?! You still pretending even after i knew what the exact reason you doing this?"

Sora: "listen -"

Chel: " I SAID SHUT UP!!"

Chel was about to land a slap on Sora's face but someone grabbed her hand from behind , and she turn her head around

Rens: "You are not seriously gonna slap someone that trying to be nice to you aren't you?"

Knowing who that person is and hearing what he said only make her even more furious, she pulls her hand roughly

Chel: "Mind Your own Frikin business!!"

Rens: "i- what is wrong with you"

Chel: "what is wrong with me? Well i don't know, you Just vanished for a long time and now come back to defend this guy? How amazing"

Rens: " that's not how my come back supposed to be"

Chel: " i don't care!! I hate you i hate you!! You dare make me thinking that you like me and then just leave without a word not even inform me anything!!"

Rens: "I'm sorry okay, i was busy with College"

Chel: "oh really? Yeah sure totally explain why you keep leaving me on read every single time "

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