Chapter 11

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As Usual, Chel goes to school with Aksa and her BF and goes home with them again but sometimes Rens or Sora will drop her off.

It happens for months and they still fighting over her, till that day she got tired of it

"So?" Asked Sora and lift one of his eyebrows

Chel only put her annoyed face and turn around

" I'm going by myself!!" Said Chel

" do you want that accident to happen again?" Asked the both of them together

Chel does realise that because that's what they would always say to make her choose but this time she turns around looking furious.

"And does it look like I care? I hate you both so much!! Stop disturbing my life!! It's your fault that Shion got into hospital!!" Yelled Chel at them

"How is it our fault? You're the one who ran away, not us" replied Sora

"It's your fault because both of you always competing for who can drop me home!! If it wasn't because of that I can wait at school peacefully!!" Yelled Chel louder

That put a shocked face on them, Chel ran to the bus station and get on the first bus that came.

From both of them, it seems that Rens got hurt the most, not because She blamed him but because the yelled, he's pretty much sensitive with it

"I... I better go..." Said Rens and walk to his bike meanwhile, Sora got a dilemma to follow Chel or let her be.

He has no choice but to tell Aksa that Chel left on her own, Aksa understand that but when Aksa got home she couldn't find Chel anywhere.

She tried to call her but there is no answer, Panic attacked Aksa and she told her BF, Rens and Sora.

Vincent immediately came to the house to calm her down meanwhile Rens and Sora searched Chel with their Car.

Aksa couldn't track Chel's phone because she put extra security on her phone so she can't be tracked again.

Meanwhile with Chel

After taking the bus she doesn't know where to go because she randomly taking the bus, she could only follow where the bus go until the next next next stop and take a walk following the voice of her heart.

She felt familiar with the road she go through till she saw a store

She felt familiar with the road she go through till she saw a store

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She quickly enters the store and a woman welcomed her, the voice... So Familiar, the owner of the store who was a young lady now looked like a mother figure

"Hello, may I help you?"
Asked the owner

"No..." She replied

Chel looked closer at the name tag and it was the same person from the past, the woman known as Mikaela. Chel look around to see the store looking fine

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