Chapter 2

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The past... It may be the "past" but it feels like the present.
Something that traumatized you, something that makes you feel guilty over and over again.
No matter how many people forgave you, no matter how long has it been.
The guilt doesn't fade away


There was a little girl who ran away after fighting with her parents, she went to a store, a supermarket and sit in the back of that building, but the rain starts coming down, it was cold... it's very cold... The owner of the store came out to throw the trash and she saw the little girl, she felt empathy and ask that little girl to come in. Feeling cold outside the little girl nodded and come inside the store, the owner of the store gave her a hot chocolate drink to warm herself.
The little girl drinks the hot chocolate and starts feeling warm, the owner asks the little girl

" Why are you at the back of my store? Are you lost? "

" No, I ran away " the little girl replied

" Why did you run away? Your parents must be worried about you right now"

" I don't wanna be there... I hate my parents, I wish I don't have parents, they are annoying, never allow me to do anything I want " the little girl replied with angry tears

" Don't say that, I'm sure they have a good reason why they act like that?" said the owner while stroking the girl's head

" If so, then why are they always being rude, not just to me but to my sisters too and to each other?"

The owner was speechless, and she decided to change the topic to avoid another sadness in the girl's eyes, the owner comfort the little girl by telling a story and some jokes and even singing.
Without realizing it the rain was falling harder and the sky was getting darker and covering the road. Lightning struck many times but the little girl was not afraid and that made the store owner ask

" You are not afraid of the lightning sound?"

" No, the lightning helps me cover the voice of my parents when they're fighting and start shouting at each other " the little girl replied calmly

And suddenly they heard something crashing in front of the store, the little girl and the store owner quickly go there to look what was going on, they were shocked because there was a car accident in front of that shop, Two cars collided with each other, At that time the rain began to subside a little, because of panic the store owner immediately helped the accident, as well as several people who were around at that time.
The little girl felt familiar with one of the cars there, she looked closer to get a clear vision of it, and she was shocked because that's her parents' car, And she was even more surprised when people started to get four people out of that car, and that little girl recognizes them all, those are her parents and her two older sisters.
The little girl tears up feeling guilty because her family had to get into an accident because looking for her.


Chel looked at him with an empty emotion and reply " Me "

"You?..." Rens asked surprised

Chel looked away and didn't say anything, she tried not to remember that moment and suddenly Rens pat Chel's head gently, but Chel slap his hands

" I don't need pats, go away!"

" But I sit here- for the project" Rens replied

" Whatever" then Chel turn around

" Okay ..." Rens looks down and put his hands on the table

The teacher came to the classroom and announce that they could start the project right now. Rens took his laptop from his backpack and turn it on, meanwhile, Chel didn't do anything.

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