Chapter 14

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"Who do you like the most? Sora or me?"

"What? Why you suddenly ask that?" Asked Chel nervously

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"What? Why you suddenly ask that?"
Asked Chel nervously

Rens could see clearly that Chel was trying to avoid the question

"Can you please just answer it? Please?..." Begged Rens softly that melting Chel's heart

But Chel refuse to answer it because she's not a forward person so she couldn't, even though she wanted to.

That gave Rens a frown looking and he said something softly yet sharply

" Do you mind leave me alone? I just need time to be alone right now" Said Rens

"Wh- What?"
Chel was too shocked that she kept her eyes open

"I just need time for myself... Please... Just get out..."
Repeat Rens and he turned his face back to the window.

Tears fell down her cheeks as she held onto her chest, without another word she left with a broken heart.
Why was it hurt so much?

The reflection from the window showed Rens everything, the moment after she left the room Rens turned his face back to the spot where Chel stood and he spotted something on the floor it looked so familiar.

Rens tried his best to get off the bed and walk to get the thing, he took it and gasped in shock.

It was his hair tie that he used the whole time. Rens looked at the door feeling guilty but he was just too upset to do anything about it.

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Meanwhile with Chel
She stood in front of the hospital crying, She asked Lio to pick her up and after he arrived he was shocked to see her with red eyes.

Thankfully Lio knows her pretty well that he could comfort her and at home, Chel tried whatever she could to act normal as if nothing happened.

But of course, her sisters knew something was off, well eventually she told her sisters too.

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The next day at school
Sora finally return to school, and when Chel take a seat Sora asked her

"So how is it with Rens?"

But Chel didn't respond instead, she nearly cry and of course that made Sora concerned about her so he asked

"What happens?"

But again Chel didn't respond anything, So Sora took the initiative to ask Aksa about it and Aksa gave him the answer, but right after that, his face turned red boiling.

After school was over Sora took his car and drove off the hospital and rushed to Rens's Room.

Rens is still staying in the hospital for further healing for his injuries from the accident, he has no one at home to help him.

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