~•▪︎{Chapter 02}▪︎•~

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The police came over to the hotel. The first people they questioned were Dazai and Chuuya, as they were witnesses.

"So, what happened?" An officer asked, grabbing a notepad and a pen.
Chuuya sighed and started to explain. "Basically me and Dazai were just walking slowly arguing like always and then this body dropped to the floor from nowhere I got scared as fuck and I didn't-"

Dazai had decided to talk over Chuuya as the officer couldn't understand a word he was saying and he was talking too fast.

"This man dropped to the floor. From the very top, as I saw him getting pushed off. I didn't see who though." Dazai explained and the officer wrote some notes. "I also saw a rope mark on his neck. Pushing someone from the very top floor alone wouldn't be too effective go kill someone, to be honest, so I'm guessing the killer choked them with a rope first."

The officer nods. "That makes sense. Thank you for this information." He gets up and walked away. They stared at him going and questioning other people.

Then Chuuya looked at Dazai, who scoffs. "Try panicking less next time when explaining." Chuuya rolls his eyes. "I'm not used to it, since I normally commit the murders, not try to solve who did and explain what I saw." Chuuya muttered quietly, trying not to get anyone's attention.

"Uh huh. Anyway, I'm going to check on Atsushi. I need to make sure he's ok." Dazai said in an urgent voice. "Can you go check on Akutagawa as well?" Chuuya asks. "Oh. Um, sure, I guess. He's probably with Atsushi anyway." The urgency in his voice was gone.

Dazai gets up and walks around the hotel. He spots Atsushi's white hair easily and went up to him.

Atsushi looked scared and traumatised, whereas Akutagawa, who was next to him, looked calm as ever. As if this happened on a daily basis.

"Atsushi, are you alright?" Dazai asked Atsushi, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Akutagawa looked at Dazai and Atsushi, jealous. He looked away, taking a few steps foward. "Y-yeah..." Atsushi answered. "I'm fucking traumatised though."

Shut up, you dumb ass were tiger with no parents and got replaced with an abusive headmaster instead.

Dazai looked at Akutagawa. "Oh, um, eh, you okay?" He asked.  "Yeah." Akutagawa replies, when actually, he's not okay.
Atsushi is such a lucky fucking bastard, that's what. Someone tapped on Akutagawa's shoulder from behind.
He turned around and saw Gin, her hair loose. "Yeah, Gin?"

"Do you know where Higuchi is?" Gin asked. "Oh, uh, think I last saw her near the counter." Akutagawa replied, pointing at the counter. Gin smiled and went to the counter, continuing to look for Higuchi. Akutagawa sighed. Life with a gay sister. Can't relate to her at all.

Akutagawa was going to go to his room until Dazai stopped him. "Hey, Akutagawa. I need to talk to you. Come on." Akutagawa looked at him, surprised. "Why?..." he asked. "Just follow me."

Dazai led Akutagawa to somewhere private. "So, what do you need, Dazai?" Akutagawa asks, trying to not to panic. "I'm trusting you to help me and Ranpo figure out who's the murderer."

"Wait what-"

"Basically you're going to help us."


"Try getting close to people."

"Huh? How the fuck does is that going to help?" Akutagawa shook his head and looked at Dazai like he was crazy.
"So you can get clues on their behaviour and shit. If they act suspicious, you can report it." Dazai explained.

"Oh. Well, Gin can't be the murderer because if she was she would have told me and this novel would have already been ended, Higuchi is the same, it can't be Chuuya because he's a witness, and you, and you're trying to solve it. So I don't know." Akutagawa coughed when he finished.

"Reasonable enough. Try someone else." Dazai squints his eyes. "Like Atsushi. He's your roommate after all."
Akutagawa coughed aggressively. "NO. WAY. IN. HELL." He looks at Dazai in disbelief.

Dazai groans. "If you do it, I'll...uh..." he sighed, hesitant. "I'll give you praise."
The word 'praise' caught Akutagawa's attention. "Praise?..." Akutagawa sighed. "Alright. I'll do it." I regret doing this but I seriously need some praise in my depressing life.

Dazai smiled. "Thanks, report anything if suspicious!" He waves and goes back to Chuuya, hugging him from the back.
"GET OFF ME YOU IDIOT." Chuuya shouts and Akutagawa stops listening to them.

Akutagawa turns around and saw Kyouka and Kenji talking together about bunnies and cows with Atsushi in the corner not doing anything.

Akutagawa stared at Atsushi and sighs and walks to his hotel room.

Trapped In A Novel [Bungo Stray Dogs Fanfiction: Shin Soukoku]Where stories live. Discover now