|19| eyes to the sky

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The texture of cotton beneath your fingertips was a strange feeling to wake up to. Back at home, in your run-down apartment, your sheets had not been made out of this material, it was more inorganic and had a faux softness. Cotton felt better. Like having something made from nature could make waking up easier.

Since Hongjoong revealed to you the true reason you had been taken as their prisoner, you had been avoidant of any interaction. With anyone. Defiant, too, yet that was not a new revelation of theirs. It did not change anything. Mostly you were in denial.

Hongjoong would still come to you in the mornings.

"I'm not lying to you Aurora," He offered. Morning rays of sun came through the cracks between the curtain and the window pane, illuminating your mattress in streaks of yellow, and highlighting the blue in his hair that grew out to reveal his roots. His voice was pleading, teetering on the edge of desperate as he spoke. "You have questions. It's a reasonable thing- I have them too. I don't know how you got here. I don't know why you have no memories from the facility," He walked to the edge of your bed, hands moving to grab the same cotton blanket you busied your mind with. "I know you're confused. But I want to figure these things out with you. I'm not trying to take advantage of you. You deserve to learn how to control the power inside of you the way we wish we had. No more tricks. If you keep it inside it'll just build up until you lose control completely."

You held your breath. It was a shame that the thought scared you enough to consider what he said.

So he waited, a heavy moment of quiet in the air. He wanted you to say something but he knew you weren't going to. He left wordlessly.

When the warehouse was quiet and the voices that normally filled the walls were silent you made your way downstairs. You shuffled your socked feet to the kitchen, expecting no company, you tensed when you saw the large man Jeong Yunho standing there.

"You're up," He noted, more of a surprise he meant for himself than anything.

You paused at the doorway, debating if you even needed to be in the kitchen so bad. "Yeah,"

"How are you feeling?" He hates having repetitive conversation with you, but in this moment, it feels like it's all he's allowed to ask. He watched you linger, crossing your arms over your chest and shrugging. You replied simply. He frowned.

"Come on, Aurora, we're not trying to hurt you anymore," He tried, eyebrows raising slightly. "We don't have a reason to."

"I've heard that before, too," You told him.

You could see the wheels in his head turning.

He scratched his neck. "I know. We fucked up- Hongjoong fucked up. He doesn't realize that you don't know as well as he thinks you do. He's so used to blind trust he doesn't know how to earn it."

This might've been a flimsy attempt at grace.

Yunho looks at you with such kindness.

How do people like him stay considerate in such an unforgiving environment?

His voice rings in your ear. " We're not monsters."

"Come, let's go for a walk." He starts and goes to offer you his hand but takes it back just as fast. You wouldn't have taken it. You whip your head around to the tall man already behind you, lacing some shoes on, following.

"Where?" You ask.

He smiles at you, his hair falling into his face. "I know a spot. You still trust me, don't you."

"That's a dangerous question, Yunho." You muttered and he draws closer to open the door. There's a brief moment where he's close to you, the same proximity a good friend holds, and sends you an easy smile. One that a good friend would.

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