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"You ass," San grunted as he kicked Wooyoung off the poor girl. "You were gonna behead her! Are you crazy? You think Hongjoong wants her skin scarred because of you?" He scoffed and shook his head incredulously.

Wooyoung grunted as he forcefully landed on a dry patch of dirt. Despite having a thing for bloodlust San really did have common sense at times. San turned to you with almost an empathetic look gracing his devilish face.

He kneeled down to your level and looked at the gash on your cheek, swiped his thumb across the crevice before he licked off the blood that collected on his finger, to which you scowled in disgust. He gave it no second thought as he observed the blood covering your neck as well.

"You're a mess." He whispered and offered you his hand, you swallowed thickly before taking it and allowing him to pull you up towards him. Once on your feet, you groaned when you put more pressure on your hurt ankle. The taller male had his hand under your elbow to help with your balance, even when you tried to touch him as little as possible you were losing your balance again and again.

Wooyoung was still laying on the ground, catching his breath and just looking at the sky before he finally stood up, his eyes on you as his hair fell menacingly around his face. You met his glare with your own, laced with exemplified anger and annoyance. You wonder what made him so infuriated around you.

"Why are you here?" He asked the taller boy, finally taking his eyes off you to look at the boy who was occupied with blankly staring at the injuries around your feet.

"Because Mingi is an idiot- leaving you two alone." He told him, as he lifted his head to look at Wooyoung, the kind of annoyance in his voice that comes with the exhaustion of a repeated mistake. "Once I saw him I knew I had to turn around. Looks like I was right, huh."

You cursed at yourself silently for falling into their hands once more, though reasonably you couldn't be blamed. You put up as much of a fight as was possible. Wooyoung stayed silent as he looked down at his arms, scratches and bruises adorning his legs. Maybe he did take it too far.

"Come on, let's get going." San chirped and pulled you towards their home, causing you to hop awkwardly with him. He looked at you for a second before shaking his head, kneeling down with his back to you. Recognizing what he meant you to do, you swallowed your pride and took a step closer to his crouched position. He swiftly lifted you up the moment you touched his back and readjusted your legs before carrying on with the long walk ahead.

Wooyoung stayed a few steps behind and watched his best friend give the stranger a piggyback ride. Despite being on the brink of death, you still gave him a fight. He wasn't sure if he should be surprised, but it was definitely unexpected.

You were silent for most of the walk, though you wondered how good this guy's stamina must be if he could carry you all this way. He was silent too, for the most part, only grunting slightly when he had to stomp over a steep ledge of forest ground. By the time the warehouse came into view, the pit in your stomach deepened and widened. Feeling nauseous but swallowing it down, you straighten your back. San felt this and chuckled softly. He knew you were scared. You should be.

He placed you down in front of the same door that you left earlier that morning. You felt the unease within you grow. The taller male glanced at you and the scratched up Wooyoung. It was pretty obvious that the two of you got in a fight, but there wasn't much more he could do about it. He sighed and placed his hand on the door, striating the knob and opening it wide.

You felt yourself shake with anticipation as your feet stayed glued to the floor. You didn't move, and when San realized this he put a hand on your back and pushed you forward gently. You stumbled inside and you felt your heart beating in your ears.

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