|5| promise

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Disgustingly enough, sitting in your own blood wasn't the worst of this whole experience.

Well, it might've been for some people in your situation, but for you the worst of it was the unknown. You had no idea what was in front of you. You were sitting in complete darkness with absolutely nothing you could see. The air was humid, but it wasn't necessarily hot.

What a weird place you were stranded in. You opened and closed your eyelids to find no difference in the shades of black. You wondered how hot it was outside. Was it raining? Was it cold? Maybe it was a sunny and hot day, the kind where the sun layered your skin in its gentle warmth.

The fact that you missed the outside was a given. If you survived this place the first thing you'd want to do is see the sunshine. Or feel the rain, if that's what nature provided you with.

A memory crossed your mind as you remembered the thunderstorm you drove through on your ride here earlier this summer. When you first moved into the small town, you had to drive through one of the worst thunderstorms of the year. The details were still vivid in your mind.

Your hands gripped the wheel of the old, run-down impala your mother passed down to you. Driving down an old country road, nothing in sight except for the rolling hills on the horizon. Dark grey clouds covered the sky like the world was wearing one of those dark gray Hollister beanies.

Shaking the memory aside, you closed your eyes and found a comfortable angle to rest your head against the pole. Your insides shook with the constant need to eat, you could feel the muscles shifting inside you as they searched for something to digest. It was starting to get painful, and even though you had a death wish you weren't willing to suffer for it.

Sleep swallowed you whole, much to your relief. The cold you had caught went away, luckily for you, but the headache never ceased.

Pressure was put on your shoulder, and you turned your head, trying to get away from the source. It didn't leave you alone though, and it continued to shake your body gently.

"Hey, hey, wake up..." Yeosang said, shaking the hostage slightly. He felt a slight panic rise and turned to Seonghwa's direction. His hyung leaned against the wall in front of the stairs, looking at the girl with interest. He raised his eyebrows at the older as if he was asking him what he should do. Seonghwa shrugged and Yeosang turned back to her figure.

An idea sprung into his head and he lifted the plate of sunny side eggs to her nostrils, wafting the smell in her direction. The girl opened her eyes at last and locked eyes with Yeosang. The boy felt a tingle in the back of his head at the sudden eye contact and took a step back.

He didn't usually care if she was awake or not when he gave her food, but he was growing concerned this time. He even turned the light on and her eyelids didn't even twitch. He didn't know the last time someone interacted with her so his mind automatically assumed she had died.

She blinked tiredly and fixed her posture, looking at the plate of food next to her legs.

"I thought you were dead," Yeosang muttered and stared at her with wide eyes, his panic subsiding. "But you were just sleeping...."

"Can I have that?" She asked him, nodding her head towards the plated eggs and ignoring his speech. He nodded, swallowing the little saliva in his throat and recovering from the scare. He thought he had killed their only hostage. 

She moved closer to the paper plate and skillfully pulled it closer without the use of her hands. She surprised him with her flexibility despite being so restrained.

"Are you still hungry?" He asked after she finished the small meal. She nodded, her expression bored but alert. This guy was her only source of food. He reached into his pocket and brought out a package of crackers wrapped in plastic. He moved to sit in front of her, sitting cross-legged and held up a cracker.

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