|2|my fragile trust

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The smell of mustiness and metal filled your senses as you moved in and out of consciousness. The feeling of cold metal stung your back and you arched your spine in a lazy and tired attempt to get away from it, but blinked open your eyes when you discovered that you can't escape it- that you were tied to it. You moved your muscles in your arms, but with no response. You were tied to something metal. Your arms were wrapped around it like a backward hug, the length of your arms too short for your hands to find each other.

You blinked again, this time patiently letting your eyes adjust to the darkness, but it was still way too unlit to see anything. You made a noise with the back of your throat as you moved back closer to the pole and straightening your spine once more. A rattling noise put you on high alert, and your senses suddenly came back better than before. You shuffled the farthest away from where the noise came from and watched the inky black space in front of you.

Horrifyingly slow steps started towards you, and you couldn't tell how many people there were in the room. Your head screamed at you and begged you to go back to sleep but your adrenaline kept your mind wide awake.

"No, no, no-" You whispered as they started to near. "S-Stop... don't fucking touch me." You glared at them from your spot on the ground and watched as someone squatted down in front of you. His arms rested on his knees as he tilted his head to the left a little bit, admiring your fearful expression. You recognized him as the man who put you to sleep before. You could barely see an outline of a smile on his face.

"Hey," He said, his voice calm and soothing. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you right now. I just wanna talk."

You felt like your ability to speak was ripped away from you. "What? What d-do you want to s-say?" You didn't think speaking clearly could be so difficult, but your voice was trembling so much you had to put effort into it to make it audible.

"Do you know why you're here?" He questioned and reached a hand out to touch your greasy, tangled hair. You flinched slightly but were unable to push his hand away. Instead, you remained focused on his eyes as you shook your head.

"No." You gulped. Why didn't they just kill you?

"Aren't you happy to be alive?" He asked and tilted his head again, this time to the other side. "Aren't you thankful for a small hope for life?"

You didn't speak, tearing your eyes away from his and looking at the ground in front of you, dark silhouettes that were too far away to see were watching in silence.

"You shouldn't be," He scoffed and stood up, walking around the metal post you were tied to while examining your situation. You gulped once more and listened to the sound of his taunting footsteps.

"Life is cruel, and it's better to just give everyone a sweet escape to death." He grabbed something from behind you, and it made a small clutter sound against the floor. "So let's keep you alive, shall we?"

You watched as he kneeled down towards you once more, this time a dirty wooden bat in hand as he looked at you, his face only inches from yours as he smiled at you kindly.

"Will you try and escape me, sweetheart?"

Your throat ran dry as you looked at him in panic. Your eyes felt engulfed by his stare and you rendered yourself speechless. He took that as his answer and stood back up, stepping back just in time to swing the club forwards towards your leg.

You shrieked, your voice cracking as the harmless baseball bat made contact with your skin, snapping the bone of your ankle and crushing your skin. Your own screams sounded so foreign to you, and it was a pain you had never dealt with before. The killer in front of you seemed unphased as he continued repeatedly, blow after blow, utterly destroying the length of your calves. It only lasted a minute, but after that, the damage had been done. You were shaking and sobbing, your throat erupting in a pain that couldn't even compare to your feet. Your vision was blurry, but even through the tears you could see your bloodied legs, and the bat he had used had been dropped to the ground. He was out of breath and looked at you with an emotion you couldn't place.

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