An endless hell

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"So I talked with Sarah" John b said as he came back from the dock with tears after he talked with Sarah

we sat outside, I was lying at one of the couch and he sat next to me

"Whoa, whoa, What happened?" I asked as I turned to him and sat in-front do him

"She broke up with me" he said with a tears and I pulled him into a hug

"I am sorry" I said as we still hugged

"It's fine" he said as I pulled out the hug

"I was sure it's just a small fight, are you sure it's definitely over?" I asked and he nod with a shrug and I hugged him again


"Get up! Olivia! JJ!" Pope yelled as he was slapping our faces to wake us up

"Are they alive?" Pope asked

"I don't know" John B said

"JJ, Olivia get your shoes" pope tried again

"I hate my life" I said half asleep

"I am starving. I need some pizza" jay said

"No, you missed breakfast" Pope said

"Okay. I got it. I got it!" Jay said as pope were pushing him

"It's not fair!" I groaned

"Let's go. Up and at 'em boys" pope said getting out of the Twinkie as we arrived at school

"Glad you could join us Ms. Routhledge" The teacher said to John B as she handed out tests

"It's good to be back" he replied

"Just in time to your first quiz" me and Jay switched looks and have a glaze to pope, we both had no ideas about the test

It's not like we were studying if he told us...

"A test?" John B whispered to Pope

"I told you we had a test" pope whispered

"No you didn't"

"The first thing I said to you-" pope said but he was cut off but the teacher clearing her throat


Ms.Sunn called me, pope, John B and Jay after class

"Mr, Hayward, Mr. Rutledge, Mrs, Grey, Mr, Maybank, just the men I wanted to see" Mr. Sunn said

"Wish I could say the same" Jay said

"I have a question of an historical nature for you gentlemen"

"I digitize documents for the Maritime Museum, and in return I've been given access to the archives and I found... this" Mr Sunn said as he opened a closet and bought a small box

"A box" Pope said

"More than a box" Mr. Sunn said

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