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Sally leaned back on the bench, her mind wandering as she finished the story. But nevertheless, she smiled again. "That's the bits that you missed mixed with that's you knew, Mrs Desmond."

She looked down at the headstone before her. Two women laid buried below, both of the name Desmond.

"I told you I'd figure it out one day. Let's just hope the higher ups don't notice I took a little more information than I should. Nothing vital, I should be fine." She shrugged "but you know how they are." Eventually, the younger officer stood. ".... I miss you, Mrs Desmond. I really have needed someone to talk to, it gets lonely a lot. But.... I understand that you had to go. And you definitely earned yourself a rest. I'll come back later, tell you how my day has gone. Goodbye, Mrs Desmond."

Sally stood, walking through the Grave yard. She eyed the memorials as she passed. Sam-367, died 2583 from complications of lungs due to extended flight. He died a pilot. Gunny, died 2582 of a jackal sniper while protecting civilians. He died a leader. But then she noticed a strange detail. Floyd's statue did not specify what killed him. Nor when. Every other memorial for a soldier did, which was something started in 2563. That implies they either don't know or he didn't die.

But she ignored this and kept walking. He had to be dead by now. Right? She had to get home anyway. Her dog needed her. And if these stories taught her anything, it's that when someone needs you....

You give it your all or die trying.

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