Part 9 - Blue

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A loud crack above the battlefield sounded, echoing over everything as the UNSC fleet came into orbit. Sam's comms flared up quickly while he sat behind his cover. "Spartan 367, this is the UNSC Infinity, here to support. What do you need?"

"Infinity this is 367, we are in some deep shit here. Won't lie. We need the best team you have in here because between Floyd, the Warden Eternal, Cortana, AND this brute guy, odds are NOT looking good." Sam dodged another explosion and rolled to his side. He fired off a couple DMR rounds to distract the Warden from Gunny and tried running.

"Roger 367, Blue Team en route."

Sam smiled to himself a bit hearing that. If anyone was capable of handling this besides chief himself, it was blue team. He managed to get beside Gunny, looking at him. "Blue team is incoming, we need to keep them occupied or kill one of these two. What do you need me to do?"

Gunny looked at him "blue team? Hell, we may survive the day. Keep the Warden distracted or if you are tired of doing that, go help Floyd with that brute."

Sam looked between the threats. On one hand, the Warden was MASSIVE and wielding a terrifying sword but he seemed a bit slow. Plus his size made it hard for him to hit the Spartans. On the other hand however, Floyd and the Brute's punches were making what felt like small shockwaves off of each other. ".... Yeah I think I'll take the Warden, thanks" he stood and kept on the move, using his speed and mainly his thrusters to try to keep the Warden on his toes.

Gunny rolled his eyes. "Of course." The Spartan III gathered his strength quickly and stood, taking a breath and readying himself mentally.....

And he took off for the brute.

Floyd was thrown backward by the next punch and onto the ground. He took a breath quickly, trying to get his thoughts straight and holding his head. Planning was difficult because this brute was also a decent tactician, but stronger than Floyd by a good bit. He looked up and rolled to his side as Atriox landed right where he once was, proceeding to brace himself on Atriox's leg and slide onto the brute's back again, holding his throat and choking the brute. Atriox stumbled for a moment before pulling the Spartan's own blade from the Brute's torso and nicking the Spartan's hand due to angle. Floyd lost his grip and this allowed Atriox the chance to grab him and throw him off. Mid throw, Floyd managed to catch Atriox's hand and pull himself back on as Gunny finally joined the fray and grabbed the brute by the throat from behind, the two trying to choke out the brute. Floyd planted his feet on the ground and held his free hand away from Gunny. "Gunny, knife! Neck!"

Gunny immediately understood and drew his blade, implanting it into the Brute's neck, causing Atriox to roar out in both pain and rage. Atriox immediately smacked Floyd aside with his Mace and threw Gunny off after the hit and pulled the knife from his neck. But before he attacked again, he looked up and saw that an entire fleet had arrived and Atriox immediately knew that If he didn't leave now, today would be the end for him and the Banished. So he stood up again and ran over to the hole in the wall and jumped through. This was not cowardice, this was intelligence. The UNSC fleet was in too good a condition to be taken apart by the Banished fleet, especially with an Injured leader. Not to mention Cortana's guardians definitely being something to consider.

Floyd breathed for a moment, taking a moment for the small wounds to heal and to let his blood flow. No way the severe bruising and broken bones would heal but any small bumps were gone already, as Spartans did heal remarkably fast. He looked at Gunny. "One down. Do you have a plan for the warden?"

The SIII nodded. "Yeah.... I need you to get onto the Warden's back. There's a black hole contained inside of him. I need you to pull it open."

"A black hole?"

"Listen it's what Jen said, I don't know. Just give it a try and if it kills us all, it will take him with us." Gunny shrugged.

Floyd nodded to himself. "Keep him distracted." And then Floyd seemed to become a blur and burst off in a random direction.

Gunny turned and ran back to Sam, the two firing at the Warden for a moment. The Warden turned and smacked Floyd out of the air and fired what looked to be an energy beam at the pair, making them run off to cover. "We do not have enough people for this!"

Some time Earlier....

Maddison and Luna made it to their vessel, Luna hopping in the pilot seat. ".... Eh, we'll try."

The vessel lifted off and began flying into the sky, dodging the AA guns as best as it could, as Luna was not an ace pilot like many of her comrades. "This isn't good... MADDIE, HANG ON!"

The ODST grabbed the nearest bit of metal and held on, the Vessel taking two hits. One to the back, and another to the wing. This sent it on a horrific spin through the Slip space rupture, luckily managing to stay on course through it. Once they made it through, the vessel spun out and began to flip, crashing into the Hanger of the Infinity.

The hatch opened.... And an ODST emerged, running out with a Spartan IV's helmet. "She needs help! Someone get her!"

The medical team ran to help Luna and Maddison handed the helmet to them. With that situation handled, she ran to the deck to report what happened. Floyd was still insane of course but even he would need help with the fight to come.

Lasky understood the situation, but he didn't look worried. "Alright. Set the course."

"Why are you so calm, the whole team may die! Cortana could take over the only limiter she has!" Maddison was panicking still.

Lasky smiled a bit. "We called in the specialists for dealing with the most difficult."

Maddison turned around to eye the team behind her. Linda, Kelly, and Fred awaited. The legendary blue team, who had never failed a mission.

"Relax, sergeant. I've Never found a problem we couldn't solve." Kelly raised her shotgun, smiling to herself.

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