Part 5 - Brother vs Brother

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The team had the head start on him. Just barely a head start, but a head start nonetheless. It was long enough that they had enough time to catch him despite his speed, Gunny pouncing and shoulder hitting him onto the ground. Gunny got to his feet first, drawing his weapon "Floyd, stop!"

The Spartan II stood, glaring at his former team. "Get out of my way."

"What are you doing? You're AWOL, you're turning against your own, and now you won't even listen to your team?" Gunny looked at his mentor, SMG drawn.

"What I'm doing is important. If I don't do it, nobody else can." He was strong in his beliefs. It was clear. But they had to try something, or this was going to go very badly.

"You don't even know what you are doing! That thing got into your head, you aren't you anymore!" Sam stepped forward "your the strong one, don't let yourself be its toy!"

Floyd turned to look at Sam "I'm nothing's toy. If I don't do this, chief will die. Again."

"Floyd please, you're not making sense. He's been dead since the ring... You were there, I was there!" Jen appeared on Gunny's shoulder.

Floyd put his rifle down next to the teleporter, clenching his fists. "I'm never going to kill any of you. You don't understand yet. But if you won't get out of my way.... I will make you."

They all put their weapons away, Gunny stepping back. "Don't do this."

"You don't give me orders."

The team stared at their former leader in silence. After a few moments, Floyd raised his fists and advanced. Catching Gunny off guard, he landed a hit on Gunny's lower abdomen and grabbed his back when he bent over, tossing him aside. Raising his arm to predict his move, he blocked Sam's hit and backed up a step as Sam jumped and tried a kick to the visor. Catching his leg, Floyd threw him to the ground, turning and just punching Maddison ONCE. The force of his punch alone was enough to knock her unconscious, sending her about 2 feet backwards. Turning toward his final enemy, he hopped a bit as he peered toward the ground, avoiding the first leg sweep but taking the second one and falling to the ground. Once down, he grabbed Luna's leg and slammed her below him, getting a top her and putting his arm around her throat to choke her out. Before he could do this, Gunny sent a hit to the back of his head causing him to let go, as Sam and Gunny both grabbed Floyd's leg and dragged him backward, both punching for his chest. He caught each punch and slammed them into each other, rolling backwards and to his feet. All the Spartans were now on their feet, taking a breather and planning to themselves. As they began to move, small devices flew from a random direction and hit them. Floyd's hand, Gunny's back, Sam's neck, and Luna's leg.

Their armors all froze up and locked, Prizrak approaching from the 3rd bridge. He opened his comms, speaking for the first time they had heard. His voice was low, guttural and pained. Like his voice box didn't fully work at its best anymore. "Command. Spartan 162. Chief Found, terminating shortly. What to do with others?"

While Prizrak talked to his command, Gunny tried to move. He could manage a little movement by pure strength, but it wasn't enough to move. But knowing that and where the module landed on Floyd... He knew Floyd wouldn't be trapped long. He eyed Floyd's hand, seeing this go down.

Floyd slowly and shakily began clenching his fist, forcing it down around the module. A cracking was heard, causing Prizrak to turn and eye the Spartan II. He began to raise his rifle but Floyd was faster, crushing the module and freeing himself. Immediately he grabbed the rifle barrel and pulled the Headhunter towards him, kicking Prizrak In the abdomen and taking the rifle. He tossed the sniper aside and advanced, not allowing for any breathing room.

Prizrak raised his arm and caught Floyd's forearm as he went for an overhead punch, sending his other arm into Floyd's chest and then an uppercut, making Floyd stumble. He knew the Spartan was getting tired and he wasn't going to let him regain his energy. Stepping forward, the Headhunter kicked the Spartan's knee and put a punch on his cheek. Going for his final move, he drew his knife and lunged forward, Floyd getting just enough of his senses back to catch the Headhunter's forearm and hit him in the cheek, spinning to his left and doing a throw over his shoulder, sending the headhunter to the ground. Knowing he wasn't ready for another fight, he ran to the teleporter and grabbed his rifle, putting it on his back and drawing his pistol. He fired a few shots at the Headhunter, who turned invisible and began dodging while Floyd used his free hand to grab the top of the teleporter. He pulled it off at the same moment he stepped into the teleporter, destroying it so they couldn't follow as he left.

Gunny was forced to watch as his friend left, watching Prizrak stand. He could hear the command through the Headhunter's helmet from where he was, with the now silent room.

"Command, Chief has escaped and the teleporter is destroyed. Another nearby gives off a similar destination to likely the same planet, in pursuit."

"Copy Prizrak, leave the team there. Master chief is of much more importance. If he Is lost, nothing else matters."

Prizrak looked at the frozen team, stepping into the teleporter with his now recovered sniper and ignoring them.

A few minutes passed in silence. Maddison woke up finally, looking at the team. "What happened...?!"

Gunny spoke "we'll explain on the way, get these devices off of us and follow me through the teleporter. We need to move, now. Before that traitorous fuck finds Floyd before we do."

Maddison ran over to the team, holding her ribs a bit in pain as she freed them. The team followed Prizrak through the portal, on the trail of their friend, and en route to see a war they didn't know was happening....

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