Part 12 - Hero

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Floyd clenched his fist, slowly regaining control over his body. It was painful to even move at this point, with his armor and neural link still trying to work together after cleaning out the hostile AI from its code. But after a moment, he managed to sit up and look around.

He was in what looked to be a cross between a cell and a medical room by himself. At least, mostly by himself. Floyd held out a hand and looked at Jen as she appeared. "Where are we?"

"Sensor says we are on the Infinity. Completely safe. We are home. And your armor is clean again, you're welcome." She bowed and looked at her Spartan. It was good to see him again, especially with his old stance back. Apathy never looked good on him until fury was the norm.

"How do we get out? I'm assuming forcing our way out would not be what they wanted when I woke up."

"I'll contact them. Comms are still open." She had her panel appear and she got to work. Even Jen was a bit dizzy from her fight with Cortana.

".... Jen."

"Hm?" She looked at her Spartan again.

"I can remember everything that happened in my head. Thank you." He nodded.

".... Don't mention it. Really, don't. It would make you look weaker than you are." She smiled at him and nodded back, getting back to work on her panel.

A few minutes passed of the two sitting and waiting before Gunny and Sam both opened the door, looking at their Leader. Gunny stepped in and looked at him in silence. Sam walked right up to his leader, and held out a hand. "Are you.... You?"

Floyd stood and let Sam help him up, nodding. "I am. Did I hurt anyone too badly?"

"No. But Luna... She isn't doing too well. Got in a crash returning to the fleet." Gunny walked over, standing before his partner and looking him in the eyes.

Floyd stared at Gunny, taking in the effects of his desertion as they were laid out before him. Sam was hesitant to reach out his hand, Jen was scared, and Gunny stopped joking. "Are you too ok?"

"We'll manage." Gunny turned around and walked out, now having verified his well being.

".... I'm sorry. Both of you." Floyd sighed, but really hoped this could improve.

"We know. It's.... He's going to need time. He got pushed into being YOU for awhile, which I'm sure you know, isn't easy." Sam put a hand on Floyd's shoulder. "Go visit Luna and Maddie. I need to head up to the bridge incase of a debrief. You're after me though so I'd get moving."

Luna began to open her eyes, being met immediately with the sight of bright red. But this time, she was actually happy to see the color. Because rather than her own blood, it was the hair of her wife.

Maddison stood beside her, still in her broken armor with burns across the chest. Being a Spartan, Luna could see the minor details of her wife. She knew her normal movements, and what they looked like when they weren't right. Her arm was most definitely broken and her abdomen definitely was injured somehow. But even through that pain, She stayed by Luna's side. And while it should've touched her that she cared so much, it only seemed to aggravate her a bit. "You should've gotten yourself patched up... Dumbass...."

Maddison looked up and at her wife with wide eyes, not expecting her to wake so soon. But she was quick to grab Luna's hand. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'll manage...." She tried to sit up, looking at herself.

"No, you won't." Floyd stepped in, approaching the two. They both seemed to look at him with a fair bit of suspicion. But rather than say more, he simply raised his hand so Jen could speak.

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