part 15

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Yn and ilma went to cafeteria and sat on a corner table..

Yn : ilma .. did taehyung went back ?
Ilma : yeah.. last nyt after party he left as he have exams soon..
Yn : ohh ok ..
Ilma : yeah I'm glad atleast i met him once in these years.. he will be back after exams and will take over his father's business
Yn : ohh thts grt..
Ilma : yeah.. and yn wt about jimin ? Did u talked him ?
Yn : yeah i did..
Ilma : wht he said ?
Yn : he said.. i don't matter to him Nd tht time he went out cz he got a phone call.. I'm ntg to him except a class mate
Ilma : wht!??.. it's not true
Yn : it is true ilma.. and i have decided i will love jk from now and be loyal to him.. he loves me and cares for me .. he is even my parents Choice.. i want ntg more I'm happy
Ilma : I'm proud of u ynie..

Jk heard yn's last confessions and felt really happy.. but he decided not to let them know tht he eavesdrop there convo

Jk : hey gurls whts going on ?
Yn : ntg just a normal chitchat.. where were u ?
Jk : oh me ? Football coach called me .. he said there is a inter school match.. and i have to team up with jimin to win this event..
Ilma : wht!? Really??
Jk : yeah..
Ilma : it means 2 opponent team leaders will be in the same team??.. it's gonna be biggest blast.. I'm so excited
Jk : yeahh.. ynie aren't u excited
Yn : ntg like tht kook.. in just feeling Little low
Jk : wht ? Why?? R u ok ? Do u have fever .. let's go to nursing room come
Yn : calm down Man!! I'm alright it's just mood swings cz of periods don't worry..
Jk : umm ok sorry

Jk's cheeks hitted up .. as he felt embarrassed to act like tht.. yn was happy tht jk cares for her , but somewhere she was hurt to lose jimin..

At evening..

Yn was at her home watching movie with her mom.. then she heard the bell ring.. yn was about to get up but ym stopped her as she had cramp..

Ym opened the door to see jk standing with a smile

Ym : ohh jk ? Come in dear how u came ?
Jk : wanted to meet and give smtg to my love
Ym : omo ur being so in love with her huh.. remember the time when u were ready to kill eachother huh?
Jk : yeah yeah but tht was past now i love ur daughter more then u mom in law
Ym : yeah yeah.. now go she is in pain will be happy to see you
Jk : wht ? Pain??

Jk entered in living room to see yn sitting weakly on the couch..

Jk : ynahh r u ok ?
Yn : jk ? Wrud here ?
Jk : just came to meet u and give this..

He forwarded a bag to her..

Yn : what's in this ?
Jk : all the things which r useful to u and some snacks..
Yn : u didn't have to bring it but thx..
Jk : always wlcm baby..

Ym : jk i have to go for some urgent work can u stay with yn ? I didnt went before cz she wasn't well to leave alone.. now ur here so can I go ?
Jk : sure mom .. go and don't worry i will take care of her.. and pls come lil bit late
Yn : yahh jk shut up.. mom come soon pls i can't stay with this beast for long
Jk : beast huh ? Will show u soon wts beast 'smirk'
Ym : ahem ahem bbye children .. have fun..

Ym winked at jk and left.. yns cheeks were red due to there double meaning words.. jk sat next to her maintaining some distance.. yn looked at him and smiled tht he cares about her comfort too.. she moved closer to jk and placed her head on his shoulder

Yn : don't worry I'm comfortable with you
Jk : wht ? Really?? I thought if i sit closer u will be uncomfortable..
Yn : hehe pabo..

They both were watching movie .. few minutes later yn's stomachache raised.. she started whining.. jk got worried

Jk : yn .. shall we go to Dr ? It's hurting alot ryt ?
Yn : no kook Dr can do ntg .. i will just sleep for a while i guess

Jk held yn in his arms and took her to room.. placing her on the bed.. he sat next to her.. he gently placed his hands on yn's stomach and started caressing in slow circular motion.. in try to make her pain less.. few minutes later yn slept.. jk kissed her forehead and left

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