part 3

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Professor: yn and jimin sit on the 5th desk on 2nd row
Yn : whttt!!!!

Yn unheartedly sat next to jimin

Yn : god!! Y do i have to sit with this coldy
Jimin : yeah as if I'm dying to sit a talkative fellow
Yn : well you should .. and wait wht did u called me just now ??
Jimin : talkative fellow

Yn was about to speak back but professor made everyone silent and started teaching.. in middle of the ongoing class yn's eyes were often drooling over jimin's handwriting

Yn in mind : godd even his handwriting is perfect.. I'm jealous now

When lecturer finished his lecture and wrote some unsolved questions on board left .. a girl walked towards jimin

Girl : umm jim.. can u pls help me with this problem?? I'm not understanding it
Jimin : no ! U should do it on ur own
Girl : a-am ok
Jimin : and yeahh!! I'm jimin not jim

The girl felt embarrassed and left to her seat

Yn : my god!! So ur always this rude ??
Jimin : *ignored*
Yn : wht do u think tht ur some cold male lead if a fanfiction!??
Jimin : whts ur problem!?
Yn : the problem is ur so cruel u didn't even help a poor girl being a topper
Jimin : Can u just sit quietly? And the poor girl came to me with a problem which chapter is not yet started.. she was trying to talk me ok ?
Yn : well anyway but i can't keep quiet.. knowing tht fact tht my deskmate is so boring
Jimin : did u just called me boring??
Yn : yea
Jimin : no one has ever called me tht
Yn : well thts bcz they can't see anything beyond ur looks .. except for tht i bet u have ntg
Jimin : y ? R u feeling insecure??
Yn : wht !
Jimin : tht u aren't centre of attraction anymore ?
Yn : how dare you judge me!?

Professor : jimin and yn stop talking and solve the problem.. u both will be the first one to show me

After the class were over 1 by 1 everyone were leaving.. yn was taking her books when ilma came to her..

Ilma : bro!! I'm so jealous .. u and tht Suzy getting to sit the hottest guys
Yn : wht!? Whts there to be jealous? Infact u should feel bad for me tht , now i have to deal with 2 arrogant fools at a time..

Next day at college..

yn entered the class room and jk was sitting alone.. yn walked to him

Yn : hey kook .. can i sit here ?
Jk : are u serious? No!!
Yn : but y ? This seat is empty anyways
Jk : well no!! I'm sitting with Suzi .. see she is here

Suzi came and stood next to jk and jk put his hands around her arms..

Yn : seriously her !?
Jk : yeah.. she is sweet not like you

Yn dramatically placed her hands on her heart , pouting

Yn : ouch ! U just broke my heart

And yn turned and rolled her eyes sitting next to jimin and murmuring to herself

Yn : wht does he think of himself
Jimin : can u stop making noise ? I'm trying to concentrate here
Yn : why!! Whts ur problem??

Professor entered and starts teaching.. after 3 classes it was free period as it was a football match goiing on in the college ground .. yn was sitting reading fanfictions when ilma came to her

Ilma : broo let's go watch guy's football match everyone are there wht r u doing here !!
Yn : bro u go I'm not interested nd there match is not important then my ff
Ilma : jk is captain of a team .. u can cheer him.. i mean pretend to cheer him
Yn : hmm not a bad idea let's goo..

Yn took her back pack and went to football ground with ilma ..

Ilma : omg!!! Ynn look at jimin!! He is so hot in tht outfit and his swear is making him hotter
Yn : yeah yeah whtever
Ilma : broo i can't beleive both hot guys of our class are opposite team captains it's an iconic match of our college

Everyone were cheering for jimin and jk.. yn looks at jimin thn diver her mind and started cheering

Yn : jk!! Jk!! Jk!!

Jimin made a goal..

Yn to herself: hmm.. so he is good at football too .. ugh whtever

Yn again started cheering for jk.. after few goals jimin's team win the match.. jk was annoyed cz he don't like losing.. yn approached him

Yn : hey! It's ok u can win another time
Jk : yeah yeah like i need ur sympathy.. please yn stop acting

Thn Suzi came with a water bottle and passed to jk

Suzi : water?
Jk : thnx Suzi .. look this is wht i needed
Yn : wht? U could've have brought u tht.. It's just tht i thought u never mental support more at this point
Jk : yeah Nd tht too from you? Just lev me alone

Yelling at yn jk left .. jimin was watching all this from far he approached yn

Yn : wht the hell ! I was just trying to help..
Jimin : so ur boyfriend is pretty hard in you huh?
Yn : wht ? No he's not my boyfrnd.. and can u pls mind ur own business
Jimin : yeah i have no interest in ur drama anyways.. it's just he should learn some new skills
Yn : igg si the national player us talking now huh ? U just win by luck stop bragging about it

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