part 6

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In drunk state yn walked to the floor .. she asked dj to turn of the romantic song and play 'ride it'.. she was dancing like mads.. in between twerking.. moving her whole body with the flaw of music.. jk and jimin were looking at this from afar..

Jimin was getting angry by each passing second.. when a guy walked towards yn and tried to touch her.. jk was about to walk near her, but jimin went and hel yn's hands.. he angrily yelled and pulled her by her wrists out of the club..

Jimin : r u mad or wht ?!
Yn : ouch.. lev my hands it's hurtinggg
Jimin : wt the hell were u doing huh?
Yn : whtever i want .. y do u care?.. no one care i don't care u don't care no one career
Jimin : okok just calm urself..
Yn : wht do u think tht i love jk ??? Ewwww ! I digust him.. all i want is~

Yn passed out on jimin's shoulder.. jimin held her in his arm carrying her in bridal style.. ilma came out of club

Jimin : where's her house ?
Ilma : no not her house let's go to mine
Jimin : come lets go

Jimin layed yn on backseat of the car and ilma sat with her .. jimin sat in the driving seat and started driving.. ilma guide him and they reached her apartment.. jimin again carried yn and left her in ilma's room then left..

Next morning.. yn got up at ilma's room she saw the time .. she was getting late.. ilma went to college already.. yn got ready and went to college when she reached ilma walked to her..

Ilma : broo are you ok ?
Yn : yea. Just a bit headache..
Ilma : ofc . Y were so dry k
Yn : yeah.. i kinda don't remember what happened last nyt..
Ilma : well h ere do drunk tht u started dancing alone and then a g~

Before ilma could speak further professor enter .. and yn went back to her seat..

Professor : ok students settle down.. so today's chapter is.....

Jimin : r u ok ?
Yn : huh .. as if u care
Jimin : wht ?
Yn : all I wanted was a dance but you choose to humiliate me
Jimin : I just don't like dancing and that to with u ??
Yn : as if I was dying to dance with you
Jimin : well it seem the like that
Yn : in your dreams

Professor : yn and jimin stop talking

At the lunch time yn was walking towards cafeteria with ilma when Suzi and jk came..

Suzi : hey .. thank you so much for inviting us really enjoyed the party..
Yn : huh ! U did ? Atleast someone enjoyed my party
Jk : yeah.. but not more then u
Yn : wht ?
Jk : ya i mean the way you guys were so close you know what I am actually happy for you you finally found someone 'sarcastically'
Yn : what ? whom are you talking about?
Jk : jimin ofcourse

He rolled his eyes and left with Suzi..

Yn : wht!?? Wht was he talking about ?
Ilma : oh yeah I was about to tell you how jimin help you out while you were drunk
Yn : what?? he did?
Ilma : yeah and that too very gently even placed on the bed with his own hands

Yn felt embarrassed and left when bell rings.. during the class yn spoke

Yn : hey thank you so much for last night
Jimin : wht ?
Yn : yeah I didn't knew that you health me out last night while I was drunk so~
Jimin : ohh thts ntg.. i would have helped anyone in tht situation
Yn : i know
Jimin : but the fact that it was you made it difficult..
Yn : you!!!! Anyways thnx

Professor: ok students the class ends here.. and yeah i have a special announcement.. our college is going for a trip this weekend..

Everyone: yaayyyyy

Professor: yeah it will be an educational trip so you get to learn new things on this adventurous

Yn : thts intersting
Jimin : who even like college trips ?
Yn : everyone except u i guess
Jimin : whtever..

Time skips.. trip day.. everyone were gathered on the ground.. and professor were announcing there bus no.'s ..

Professor : section B students.. bus no. 4, 5, 6 u guys have to sit according to ur desk in class .. hope u will manage

Yn : wt again with tht boring person shit..

After sitting in bus yn sat next to jimin.. he was reading some book yn tried to talk him but he said her to not disturb him so yn took out her phone and started reading fanfictions..

timeskips.. after the drive of 5 hours finally they reached to there destination.. getting down from the bus yn went to ilma first as they were in separate bus

Yn : ilmaaa !!
Ilma : ynn this place is so beautiful ryt ?
Yn : yeahhh i love it.. it's like a heaven.. but stay focused yniee.. ur here to make someone's life hell
Ilma : dude !!

Both of them burst out laughing.. then professor announced to build tents with there parteners.. yn was building tent with ilma when professor said tht tent mates are also deskmate.. yn whined and walked to jimin.. after building everyone's came

Evening 5 pm everyone gather here

Tour guide : hello students hope you all are enjoying this place and just to make this more fun .. we have came up with some interesting games..

Everyone : yeahh

Professor : but the game isn't easy as you can see there is a dense forest behind you.. there is a box somewhere in the middle of the forest and you have to find it with the help of different clues on every stage.. I hope you like the game your partner will be your desk made.. enjoy

Yn : wht !! Nooo .. not again!!
Ilma : broo ur so lucky..
Yn : wht? Noo.. he is so boring and annoying

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