part 8

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Next morning..

   Yn was sleeping on jimin's shoulder..

Jimin : hey yn.. wake up .. look it's morning we have to go everyone would be worried..

    Yn whined and adjust her mind and remember wht happened yesterday..

Yn : oh I'm sorry...
Jimin : it's ok let's go..

On the way.. yn saw the golden box

Yn : hey isn't tht the golden box!?
Jimin : i guess it is.. but y no body took it yet
Yn : lev na we got it yayy I'm so happy

   Yn jumped in excitement and hugged jimin.. jimin also hugged her back in excitement but they both got awkward for moment ..

Yn : I'm sorry
Jimin : um.. let's go ?
Yn : yeah..

    Jimin and yn reached near tents to see every gathered there.. they both went to professor and placed the box in there hands..

Professor: oh god jimin and yn i was so worried about u guys.. think hod ur save..
Umm so everyone attention here.. the winner of the game Is yn and jimin..

   Jimin and yn smiled in joy.. everyone cheered for them except Suzi and jk

When yn was about to go towards ilma.. inbetween Suzi came and pushed her..

Yn : cant u see?
Suzi : no.. i can't tht how u won again!?
Yn : wht?
Suzi : you know what I am tired of saying you stole everything from me
Yn : What the hell are you talking about?
Suzi : Everything.. you are always taken the spotlight from me.. but not this time you are not gonna win this time
Yn : And what does it mean
Suzi : jungkook.. you want jungkook right? but you are not gonna get him..
Yn : Wait.. you are with jungkook cz you love him right?
Suzi: No I just want to take him from u
Yn : So you are just using him ? I'm gonna expose u
Suzi : ya.. as if he's gonna believe u

   Yn furiously walked towards jk.. ilma saw her going and went with her..

Yn : jk .. Suzi is playing with u
Jk : wt ?
Yn : yeah.. she is just using u to revenge on me
Jk : wht the hell r u talking about ?
Yn : it's just tht~
Jk : can you just stay away from my personal life
Yn : What?? I am just trying to help you..
jk : You ? you are trying to help me? the most selfish girl I know is trying to help me
Yn : wht!?
Jk : what do you think that I don't know what you are trying to do with jimin ?you are using him to make me feel jealous and now you think everyone is like you?
Yn : let's not bring jimin here
Jk : why not? you know what you might be the most popular girl of our class.. but no one will ever date you because everyone knows that you are just a heartless girl who doesn't care about anyone emotion..

   Yn's eyes were teared up listening to his word.. she was tough girl but she was hurt at the moment

Ilma : shut up junk food you have no right to say all those things to her

   Jimin came furiously

Jimin : and who said no one will ever date her?  she is my girlfriend and don't you dare to talk my girl like that..
Yn : jimin ?
Jk : wht? R u guys actually dating!?
Jimin : yeah.. let's go love

   He held yn's hands and took her from there..

Yn : why was tht ?
Jimin : nothing just wanted to show him his real place.. he will never shout on you or make nasty comments on you..
Yn : but y did u do tht ?
Jimin : cz ur a human and u felt bad for you.. thts it
Yn : oh thnx

   Jimin left from there.. ilma came

Yn : so he is not tht mean..
Ilma : brooo!!! Tht was so hottt..
Yn : wht?
Ilma : you know what even though jimin is my crush I think you guys should day each other..
Yn : wht ?
Ilma : yeah you both look so good together
Yn : are you serious.. he hates me and what crush.. your cheating on your boyfriend ha?
Ilma : come on bro i love my boyfrnd.. it's just a Lil crush on him.. and he don't hate u gurl.. didn't u see how angrily without hesitation he said ur his girl..
Yn : ilma he just helped me .. cz he felt bad for me thts it
Ilma : r u tht stupid !?
Yn : no!! But i guess u r .. to even think like tht

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