Another Chance III

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Back in the Roan Kingdom

Its almost has been half a year since the incident. Nothing much but overall an ordinary passes with this country.

But because of that, the kingdom of Roan became a fully-pledge empire of the West. With the rule of the newly reigning king, Alver Crossman, the new empire is flourish with immense joys of life.

However, no one expects about the new king being quarter-dark elf as soon as he sat on the throne and immediately announce to the whole empire...

He declare to let all those dark attribute folks live in the surface instead of isolation.

Alver implement new laws to enforce and make sure they live freely in peace and harmony along with humans.

Even the rivalry nobles didn't dare to revolt at his words.

But that's the only surface of the emperor's joyous façade


Despite the peaceful scenery having in the background, more specifically, outside the palace's walls.

In the private office of a certain blonde, no, he's currently at his true form. His skin-tone resembles of toasted brown, his eyes decorated with dark, and his hair chocolate in color. Though, he's supposed to be part of the dark elves, but due to being quarter blood. He had the lighter-dark skin, instead of deep dark like they normally had.

Alberu let out a sigh in distress. Its only been weeks since his coronation. And they're already a bunch- no, hundreds of proposal letters flocking at his table everyday.

Not that its weird for those nobles to do so, it's unfortunately thrice as many as he had previously when he's still a crown prince. For him, all of them are craps of greed those of nobility would take an opportunity to.

Despite all of that, Alberu thought of those pointless anyways. The newly-built empire is still recovering from the losses of the previous war. Thankfully, it didn't gone up to worse as he initially expected.

And as the unexpected came to him, he wouldn't be able to get this position without him...

Alberu snap those thoughts away, as he began to form headaches after headaches with piles of paperwork in his desk. Damn, being an emperor sure took a lot of toll from just sitting at his office with papers from left to right.

Alberu sigh again for how many times now, at this rate he'll grow more wrinkles and age faster if this continues. He also hated being nagged at his aunt for growing them, stating that "having young-looking face would be able to get you a partner in no time" type of thing.

Another sigh yet again is heard, this time its not a mere utter, but loud enough that the entire chamber could hear. It's a fortune that no one is around as of now.

Even so, it's nearly been half a year after that. No bodies of the two were ever found.

Alberu kept pondering in his next course of action. It's already pointless to look for something that might already be decomposed. Though, he knew it's hopeless to think through and through.

Once he had visited his supposed to be family in law.

Only the countess came to greet him that day...

She had mention that Deruth is isolating himself in his eldest son's room. He didn't come out at all, and would just stay there drown from grieving. Violan also mentioned, about the count, almost not eating, and asks for Cale's usual bottle of wine for at least, one per day.

No one knew if he ever drank those bottles for obvious reasons...

Anyhow, Deruth is neglecting all his work, leaving all the burden to his wife and second son. He haven't respond to heir call even.

Alberu sighs as he felt a headache ringing again, he still have mountains of unending paperwork to do.

That's not all, he still need to maintain the peace between ordinary citizens and dark attribute users. He seriously need to wipe out those stereotypes throughout the whole empire.

They haven't found the two of them yet. So there's basically hope, even if it's a bit.

Alberu did done some background research on every individuals' with red hair. Though, almost all of them are not him, he's still searching through these redheads'.

However, none of them had dark-blood hair, or any mana usage to dye their hair and eye color.

"This is driving me nuts..."

Truth to be told, he's a hopeless cause.

Like what his aunt would tell about. He's a hopeless and oblivious romantic for one person.

Yet, wasn't it his fault that he died because of his selfishness? That using him as an advantage for the throne? Luring him with sweet promises that he might couldn't fulfill?

The fact that he only wants one and longing wish wanting and waiting to be fulfill?

There are already plenty of candidates for his list of potential partner. Alberu only chose him because of his ability. But that turned to be both his benefit and mistake.

His benefit to win over the throne from his siblings.


The mistake for developing such feelings, that he couldn't have in the end.

Its frustrating in his part, but at the same time, he wanted him.

Only then he realised, he's nothing without Cale.

Cale was the only one who was by his side aside from his aunt. He's there even without asking. Always around when Alberu needed something from him. And now, he's gone. Like a peck of dust that immediately dissapears when dust away.

If only he could reverse the time back. Alberu scoffs at the thought. It's impossible with such crude desperation out of his reach.

Why can't he just give up? Why can't he let him go? Why does he's making his life more miserable than it is?

Alberu is just a fool like everyone else.

A fool for being hopeless.

A fool for his selfishness.

A fool for his desires.

And a fool for such love he couldn't had longed to be his again.

He's the type to want one thing, and wouldn't change his mind over if he felt guilty of it. Whatever he wants, he gets. But one thing.


Its something he yearn to be reciprocate.

Something he experience but slip away from him when he became too attach.

His old man didn't even spare him a tiny bit of it, not even his relative from his father's. Only those from his mother's side did.

His mother did too, she cared and loved him even in death. His beloved sun in this hell hole.

But Alberu lost his sun at the age of 5.

His father didn't care for his well-being, only send more servants for them to assist him.

So what if his mother is just a mere concubine of his? He's the one that took her under his wing. Fully knowing that dangers are lurking around the palace.

Alberu snap those thoughts aside, he still have work to do after all. He sighs again.


Unknown to the emperor, two redheads are busy with their new sweet life.

To be continued

So as mentioned in my recent rant... I'll be gone for a bit with rare updates for this month...

So, yeah. I'm at it again with no excuses at hand:)

Idk about the other updates but uh, happy reading!

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