Freedom III

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A/N: I'm going to hire someone to proofread for me for free. Not only that, to pester me on when will I update my other series. I really need a human notification/alarm clock💀

A/N: The perks of it you ask? You might have a chance to proofread my ongoing novel, and be friends on Facebook, not only that, you'll get the chance to make a title and cover if I'm ever conflicted by it. Pm me in messenges, first come, first serve:)



Too many things happened when Cale is still unconscious. White Star had told him that he's been asleep for a week. Their 'deaths' had already been announced since then.

Though, the people didn't know they're still alive and hiding somewhere.

"Cale?" snapping the other redhead from his thoughts. "You good?"

Cale response with a nod, "It all happened fast..."

White Star hums, carefully listening to the other. Although, the distance between them is closer, but at the same time not.

The campfire it's own cackling eerie, at least they had the warmth for themselves.

"How did we survive..? I thought were good as dead..." Cale isn't sure what kind of tone he'll make.

Frustration? Anger? Miserable?

White Star still had his blank face, he didn't cover his face with a mask. "I don't want you to die... Never will let you, Cale..." White Star sigh as he decided to cupped Cale's face with his palm, "Cale, they are not worthy to be with you. They chose to use you and then throw you away when you are deem useless."

Their eyes gaze at one another. One had his eyes full of misery and pleas of help. The other is the salvation who'll release the sufferings of his beloved had endure.

"They push you away, when you only want their affections. They treated you like you're nothing to them."

Each words sting like venom. Something that could kill an ordinary human within seconds.

Sure, they did. Cale wanted to punch his younger self for staying there instead of running away.


Running away for freedom? That's of the things Cale wanted. But, he's an omega. Something bad might happen to him. He can't just ran away to fend off himself. He wanted to...

Seeing how depress Cale is, White Star scoot closer, and gently embrace his beloved with care. Stroking few strands of his crisom unkempt locks.

"I'm sorry if I had to be harsh."

Cale already knew those, but he was clinging to hope at that time. He wanted to believe the fact that they'll open up if he's more successful. Wishing they'll treat him with more warmth and started to give him less cold shoulders.

Tears flood down like a waterfall. Memories overlap around Cale's head like crazy. It's spinning around, making his head hurt.

"No... You're right... You're right about that..." Cale whimpers, subconsciously leaning on the other redhead for comfort. "I'm being foolish, that's all..."

White Star isn't that stupid to not noticing the shakiness his beloved just did. All his hardwork within these centuries— a millennium or two even. He already lost most of his subordinates, no, maybe all of them by now.

Despite everything, White Star couldn't let go of this redhead to the world. He would rather bind him in this damn cave, than watch him go away with his heart suffering.

"Stop that. You deserve better." within that cold response, a hint of tenderness is visible. "Someone like me, of course." White Star jokingly spat.

Cale snickers at the holder's antics. "Sure, sure. It'll be an honor for me to be at your grace."

Both redheads snorts at themselves, giving off the gloomy atmosphere a heartful vibe.



Days had passed, both redheads found a place where they could live peacefully. It's nowhere near any living civilization, but it does locate in a rather much secluded area, where a small village nearby that doesn't necessarily were hostile to pass byers.

Though, it's a good start to live here, away from nobles that might recognize them.

For good measures, White Star cast a spell to change their hair and eye color. Even changing their identity to avoid the villagers' suspicion.

White Star, now Reves Miller, with emerald green eyes and dark-brown hair. Cale, or Alpas Thames, eyes with molten gold, and hair with curly bright-red.

If anyone would ask about them, they just pretend to be a newlywed couple. (or so you two thought.)

The villagers are quite nice, and very friendly to them when they first arrive. They didn't really suspect anything, since they got away with changing themselves like commoners.

At first, Cale isn't sure how to act like one, he was used to such etiquettes and didn't really get to experience poverty himself. Lucky for him, White Star gestures to follow his lead, and stick close to him at all times.

Since White Star gets to reincarnate each time he died, he most likely to get to experience anything in every single bodies he used to live.

Upon their arrival, White Star had to work as a farmer to earn a small fortune for them to live. While Cale, is the one who should stay home since it'll be awkward for him to do odd jobs for now.

It might be unfair, but considering the amount of times Cale didn't do any physical manual work, aside from nights that he was accompanied by papers. Cale reluctantly abide to it. Its not like staying indoors is worse compare to be bathe in the raging sun. 

Aside from the solace of freedom, Cale's coldness melt into a beautiful and heartwarming flower. Though, his hair remain red, but not darker, he still wanted to embrace that color, as it still reminds him of his dear mother. White Star let him do whatever he asks for, as he wanted to see him live happily and free.

The two now lived in a small cabin, planting flowers that Cale might need for a new-found hobby whenever he's staying at home.

To be continued

Alpas - to be free

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