Another Chance I

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I'll be stating that White Star is now called Reves. It's a hassle ngl. Should I call Alpas instead of Cale? Lemme know!


It's been weeks since then. The sun blossoms finely, birds chirping as they sing, flowers blooming beautifully.

Both redheads' start off their day by dyeing their hair and eye color (cue to White Star).

Shortly after breakfast, Reves took his straw hat, and went out of their humble cabin to work in the fields. Cale stayed at home, while doing small things inside the house.

Technically, washing dishes, sweeping, getting rid of the dust mess, and gardening. Cale didn't really do much, he's still an amateur when it comes to major things. Even his cooking is bad enough, though, he didn't want to be a burden to Reves. He's just used to sit still, while servants were doing these kind of tasks.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Cale decided to do something for the alpha. With such determination in mind, he venture out in search of books that could help him.

He thought of cooking a simple dish.

Yeah, that might work.

Cooking might look easy, but on the contrary, it'll depend on the one cooking right?


Before taking a stroll from stall to stalls. Cale went over to a group housewives, that gesture him to join him in enjoying simple chatters amongst themselves.

He's a bit shy at first, but he reluctantly agreed. Knowing he might learn a thing or two after befriending them. They are female betas and female omegas alike.

"Such a lucky fellow you are!" one of them flatters.

"True, true. A perfect pair made by the wills of gods."

Cale internally cringe at the god part.

"Oh, young love."

These wives heartily chatters about them, but not the deeper part. Just no.

"Are you two going to have younglings afterwards?" one of the wives asks, "Or, still on your honeymoon phase?" she then teases.

Cale, hearing that, his face flush red. He didn't think of that, in fact, neither him or Reves talk about adding things about them at all! Let alone, how to act in front of them! His face flush even redder, making the women flocking around him gasp in amusement.

"Oh my." several breathes hitch were heard, while the tea is still pouring hot.

Cale didn't know whether to cry or run away. Neither of those, as both of his options would further embarrass him on the spot. He then decided to change the topic with half-truths and half-lies, it's better than nothing.

In truth, he's actually clueless. It's his first time experience some chatters without faint formalities and fake flatters. No one would want to have a warm conversation with him with some tea, talking about ridiculous to exaggerated talks even.

For the first time of his life, these people treated him like he wished to. He smiled, genuinely this time with the newly acquainted stangers...

He just hope that they won't tease him any further than this...


In the end, Cale had to carry a straw basket full of variety of ingredients inside. He did asked around for simple recipes to cook, though, the housewives did gave him more than enough tips to satisfy his alpha.

Thankfully, he's done with the shopping. Although, he seems casual with his stroll around the market, he still could feel stares about his elegant and unusual way of walking. Cale has to get rid of that old habit in order to blend perfectly.

Entering the cabin, Cale put the basket to the kitchen table before going inside the bathroom to wash himself. Once he's done, Cale makes preparation for the dinner he's going to serve for the alpha. This is his first time doing actual cooking after all.

First, he chop the meat into pieces of cubes, then chop the necessary spices and ingredients. Adding a small amount of cooking oil to the pre-heat pan, stir it a bit before putting the chop meat to the pan, then stir it well.

Next, cover the lid, and let it be for a few generous minutes before adding garlic and onions in the pan. After that, cover it with lid again and wait for it to simmer.

After the wait, add a bowl of water and pour it down slowly, careful not to burn himself. Cover it with the lid again and wait.

Then, add the remaining ingredients in the pan; sliced peppers, chopped carrots, and potato cubes. After that, stir it well, before covering the pan once again.

After doing so, add 3 to 4 spoons of tomato sauce, half a spoon of salt and powdered pepper. Once done, cover it with lid, again. Let it boil for a couple of minutes.

Finally, the dish is serve and ready!

And speak of the devil, Reves came back at the favorable time from the fields.


Reves came at the exact moment. He's surprise that his beloved had prepare a meal for them. Sitting at his designated seat for him, the food has been serve. Cale is sitting across him. Reves could tell he's anxious about the taste.

The dish isn't half-cooked or anything, and surprisingly, it smells good.

Revers took a spoon and ate it, he chew it slowly, his tongue ingesting the results. His eyes then widen, "Its good." commenting his meal. His gaze trail over the one across.

Cale sighs in relief, his lips curve upwards, "That's good to hear." his smile got wider as well. Happy pheromones emits from the omega with flowery scent engulfing Reves' nose.

The alpha chuckles to his beloved's antics. True, he's shock to learn about him cooking for them both. At least he's trying to be himself, learning new things isn't bad either. Reves hope to see those sides of the omega again, more of them, in the future.

With that in mind, Reves and Cale enjoy their dinner for the rest of the night. Their peaceful and quiet life has just started, and there are many more moments to come.

To be continued

Cale cooking for White Star is here! Interesting isn't it? Also, he cook a dish here in my homeland called "Menudo" you can search it up for more info! You can try cooking it! It's really good!

Proofread by @QinZiYan
Thank you once again paurs! ❤️

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