Another Chance II

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Summer had passed, and it's the start of the windy autumn.

Everyday has varieties of moments to reveal, sort of like an open book to freely read.

Cale gradually learned how to do most major chores around their humble cabin. Each day, Cale let his bright and rosy hair grow until it reach past to his shoulders. He wasn't as pale like before, but he does change quite significantly in such a short amount of time.

But the more Cale look at his reflection, the more he awfully resemble his beloved mother. With each passing time, the changes in himself grew within his days as an ordinary person.

Flowy bright red hair, rosy plump lips, reddish-brown eyes, long lashes, slim figure, and smooth skin. His new him looks very ethereal.

Cale had wondered if the gods really favor him to make him this beautiful? Or was it pity they felt? He isn't quite sure, but he knows. He has to live a life without chains.

Its all mostly thanks to Reves.


Reves is currently in the fields, tending to his humble share of land. It's because of the town being so far away to the city, but very bountiful in terms of land agriculture.

That's the problem in this place. Since it's very abundant with everything on fresh, many merchants would offer them a good trade, which led to this humble town a very much stable place to live in. But because it's far from any much more civilized towns, only rogue travelers and merchants would come here to rest.

Even with that in mind, Reves took it as a blessing, for once.

Nevermind the solace, it's nice to breath in too. Both him and Cale shouldn't worry about anyone finding out they're still alive and well-fed. No one would care anymore, what's more, their deaths had already been announced months ago. So why would anyone still go look for them? Only an idiot would.

Tending to his piece of land, Reves' crops has been growing healthier lately. He'll get money sooner as soon as he sold them for some good fortune.

It's quite cold at a time like this, his crops might survive for a few weeks or so. And fortunately, they're almost ready to be harvest.

Reves sigh at himself, true, he had abandoned his millennium-old worth of plans just for an omega. Even his curse didn't get to be activated as soon as they got together. It's fine as it is right?

Nothings wrong crept up at their first step in this tiny village, no one questions them. Let alone where they came from.

Still, Reves had wondered what happened after that shitty end after the war. Occasionally, though. Reves shrug those thoughts, he still have a family(?) to feed with.


Later in the evening, Reves finally came home.

Although, it's very unusual for him to be this late. Something came up in the fields.

Apparently, there were field mice flocking around some of his fellow farmer's crops. The said old man said that he'll pay for each mice captured. The reward is a bit tempting, Reves is sure that he could use a bit of exercise, at least that's win-win situation for him.

With sore back and legs, Reves still manage to get back with his limbs intact. It's only been a few hours though.

Entering his humble cabin, he could already smell his dinner waiting for him. Reves immediately change himself on something fresh before heading to the kitchen.

"Welcome back." Cale greets him with a warm smile on his face, his eyes fix on the alpha, but his hands fixed on stirring the pot.

Reves hitch his breath at the sight, seeing his beloved in much warm expression everyday. He couldn't help but loved him more deeply.

Inching closer to the redhead, still maintain a short gap between them, Reves inch forward to Cale's forehead and took a peck. "I'm home." he greets back with a wide smile on his face.

Reves didn't need to ask permission to ask for consent, they've already passed that phrase.

It'll be no surprise if they show a bit of intimacy in public. They're basically a couple in a strangers' perspective, in a sense, they're actually courting openly based on their obliviousness towards their surroundings.

Its not much of a big deal, people won't find it strange, rather, they would throw looks of hopeless envy.

No one would question most of their time spent together, or asking when will they create a family together. It's technically none of their business how and when.

Cale simply smiles at the alpha, facing the meal he's preparing. He didn't mind whatever Reves is doing behind his back.

Looking at his beloved, Reves inwardly chuckles and let himself snuggle at Cale's neck, hands rest around the omega's slim waist. The omega didn't seem to mind it at all. It crept a bit of relief to Reves.

This "pretend" relationship of theirs is quite complex in their understanding. They started slow, and flow along their mindless fantasy about their first meeting together.

Its kind of silly when they put it together, explaining it to random people had made it more complicated as it is.

The townsfolk find it funny seeing the two lovebirds being embarrass about themselves together. Not that everyone mind it.

Their went to blissfully at peace, everyone hardly disturb their time together. Even if some did, they wouldn't be able to separate the two.

Though, both Reves and Cale take their pace slow.

Cale giggles at the alpha behind him, his gaze still fixed at front. "You're being very cheeky lately."

"What if I am?" Reves, still in his mischievous attitude.

Cale look at him with disbelief, but his lips into a grin while his brows frown. "You silly alpha."

Reves chuckles, "That's right, I'm your silly alpha."

Even now with their playful remarks, there's no force in between. Only consideration and freedom could be seen in both surface and inside.

To be continued

This is kind of boring ig? I honestly don't know how to do time skips😭

Anyways, happy reading!

Proofread by @QinZiYan❤️

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