The Eleventh Hour

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Lizzie sits on her sister's bed, drinking a bottle of milk as her sister prays to Santa "Dear Santa

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Lizzie sits on her sister's bed, drinking a bottle of milk as her sister prays to Santa "Dear Santa. Thank you for the dolls and pencils and the fish. It's Easter now, so I hope I didn't wake you, but honest, it is an emergency. There's a crack in my wall. Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but I know it's not, because at night there's voices, so please, please, could you send someone to fix it? Or a policeman. Or a..." Amelia trails off as the sisters hear a noise outside "Back in a moment." she says, grabbing a torch and looking out the window. Lizzie tilts her head in confusion "Thank you, Santa." Amelia smiles, turning and pulling a pair of wellies on. "Ameea." Lizzie say. "Come on." Amelia says, pulling Lizzie's boots on for her. The sisters rush outside, seeing a police box on its side the doors opening with a grappling hook flying out. After a second a soaking wet man climbs out "Could I have an apple? All I can think about. Apples. I love apples. Maybe I'm having a craving? That's new. Never had cravings before." he says, sitting on the edge and looking inside the box "Whoa. Look at that." he remarks. "Are you okay?" Amelia asks, holding her sister's hand. "Just had a fall. All the way down there, right to the library. Hell of a climb back up." the man responds. "Wet?" Lizzie asks. "I was in the swimming pool." the man tells her. "You said you were in the library." Amelia says. "So was the swimming pool." the man tells them.

"Are you a policeman?" Amelia asks. "Why? Did you call a policeman?" the man asks. "Did you come about the crack in our wall?" Amelia asks the man. "What crack? Argh!" the man cries out, falling to the ground. "Are you all right, mister?" Amelia asks in concern. "No, I'm fine. It's okay. This is all perfectly norm..." the man responds, a breath of golden energy coming from his mouth. "Who are you?" Amelia asks. "I don't know yet. I'm still cooking. Does it scare you?" the man asks. "No, it just looks a bit weird." Amelia says. "No, no, no. The crack in your wall. Does it scare you?" he asks. "Yes." Amelia responds as her sister nods. "Well then, no time to lose. I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off." the Doctor says, jumping up and walking straight into a tree. "Are you all right?" Amelia asks as Lizzie giggles. "Early days. Steering's a bit off." he responds, getting up and following the sister's inside.

Lizzie clambers onto a chair in the kitchen as Amelia grabs an apple and gives it to the Doctor "If you're a doctor, why does your box say Police?" Amelia asks. The Doctor bites into an apple before spitting it out, Lizzie giggling "That's disgusting. What is that?" he asks. "Apple." Lizzie giggles. "Apple's rubbish. I hate apples." the Doctor says. "You said you loved them." Amelia says. "No, no, no. I like yoghurt. Yoghurt's my favourite. Give me yoghurt." the Doctor says. Amelia gets him a pot from the fridge, the Doctor taking it and pouring it in his mouth before spitting it out "I hate yoghurt. It's just stuff with bits in." he decides, wiping his mouth. "You said it was your favourite." Amelia tells him. "New mouth. New rules. It's like eating after cleaning your teeth. Everything tastes wrong. Argh!" the Doctor exclaims, twitching violently. "What is it? What's wrong with you?" Amelia asks. "Wrong with me? It's not my fault. Why can't you give me any decent food? You're Scottish. Fry something." the Doctor tells her. Amelia pulls out a frying pan and starts frying some bacon as the Doctor dries his hair with a towel "Ah, bacon!" the Doctor smiles.

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