
18 3 0


Pack rank: second in command
Height - 5'5
Eyes- Hazel blue
Hair- blonde thick and wavy
Element- air
Backing vocals, keyboard

Ghoulish Form-

Dew (former lovers)
Copia (former lovers)
Aether (current lover)

Where as Aether is affectionately referred to as the pack dad, Cumulus is most certainly the pack mom.

Friends first and foremost, she turns motherly when she can sense the others need that in their life. She chooses this role knowing most of the others do not have a mother and has lovingly accepted the others as her adopted children, so to say.

Very open and easy to talk to, she gets along with everyone. Don't let her nice side fool you, though. If any of her friends are in danger, she is fierce, unforgiving, and downright terrifying. Luckily, very, very few have experienced this side of her.

Cumulus was the second ghoul Copia summoned and bound to himself. Though she has known him for a briefer amount of time than Aether, she is very atune to Copia, his moods, and can read him like an open book.

Copia finding Annie was and continues to cause her slight turmoil as she and Copia were lovers for many years. It has not been easy as she had grown to greatly love the Cardinal. She is, however, in total understanding of the new situation and supports the couple wholeheartedly.

Cumulus also has medical training, though not as extensive as Aether.

In her free time, she enjoys playing the church organ and flower pressing.

[More will be updated later]

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