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Lilithine Nadir

Age -24
Birthday: June 21
Height- 5'4
Hair- honey blonde/brown
Eyes- green (light emerald) but blind
Race -witch

Annie (sister)
Kaliko (brother)
Morrgan (mother:deceased)
Viktor (father:deceased)

Love- bonded true mate to Mountain

Lilit is the younger sister of Annie. She was born and raised in the secluded cottage she and Annie called home. An adventurous child, she loved to be outside exploring or frolicking through the fields of flowers that surrounded their home.

Morrgan died when Lilit was 6 years old, and she has very little memory of her mother.

When she was twelve (12), she tried to perform a spell that was much too advanced and complicated for her she when Annie was out hunting. It backfired, taking her sight. To this day, she refuses to tell Annie what spell she was trying to do.

Although blind, Lilit quickly adapted and learned to use her powers to 'see'. She can use her powers to see someone's aura and, by extension, tell their feelings based on what color she can see.
She can also 'feel' the presence of others, sense them coming.

Aside from this, Lilit is also clairvoyant, able to sense and know things before they happen. She sensed when the Magistratus came for them, but they did not have enough time to escape before capture.

Before their eventual capture, Annie cast a spell on Lilit blocking her powers. Lilit, through her sisters spell and sacrifice, was spared extreme torture at the hands of the Magistratus. Though she was not whipped and sexually assaulted like Annie, she was mildly beaten and partially starved.

When they were burned at the pyre, she was protected by Annie's powers. It was during this that the spell done to her was broken. Being blind she does not know how exactly they escaped or what Annie did to achieve it.

Safe and away from the Magistratus Lilit used her powers, already weakened from malnutrition and lack of use, to keep Annie alive. If Copia and his ghouls had not found them when they did, Annie would have succumbed to her wounds.

The moment the ghoul Mountain had his hands on her, held her in his arms to carry her back to the Ministry they both knew there was something about the other. It took them both weeks to really figure it out and come to the realization they had a connection deeper than anything they could comprehend. Everything about the other felt right and safe, and they both knew that now that they had each other, there was no way they could ever be apart again.

Safe within the Ministry, Lilit turned into a social butterfly and, within days, had made friends with most of the siblings. She even joined them in their studies and enjoyed every minute of it.

On Beltaine, Mountain and Lilit consummated their union and, on instinct in the heat of their passion, they claimed each other fully by biting into each other's neck where it meets shoulder. Tasting each other's blood as they climaxed together created a bond that now ties them fully to each other. Mountain will now forever know where she is, and with concentration, he is able to feel what she feels both physically and emotionally.

The downside of this bond is, if one of them were to perish, so would the other for the pain of such heartbreak of losing their mate would kill them.

There is no way to undo this bond.

The only way one can carry on after the death of the other is if they were to have kits (children). That child would be their lifeline.

Lilit conceived during the Beltaine union and is carrying Mountains kit.

[More to be added later]

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