Chapter 1

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Riley's POV
I'm in my room at the stupid foster home. My brother, Leo, fast asleep next to me, I drift off to sleep, into a nightmare.
It's the day my mother died, Strangers with black eyes broke into the house, when I was 7 and Leo was 1. They tried getting to us but my mom, Erin, fought them off but one killed her. I had enough time to grab Leo and pick him up, him being scared and shaking. I climbed out my window and carefully got to the ground and went to my bike and then put Leo, who was tiny for his age in the basket and peddled fast.
Things had killed my mom and I knew they weren't human. I have to protect my brother from everything.
I woke up to Leo moving. I looked at the clock to see its midnight, I said" Leo, go back to sleep." he said" I can't, I had a nightmare." I said" want me to sing you, a lullaby?" He nodded and I whispered" carry on my wayward son, they'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more.
Once I rose above the noise and confusion just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion, I was soaring ever higher but I flew too high..." I heard his soft breathing, I knew he had fallen back to sleep. I fell back to sleep.
About an hour later, I got up and went out of our room. I went to the office and got my file which was connected to my brother's. I went back into our room and packed up, I can't be in foster care any longer, I know our dad has to be out there somewhere. I packed clothes, money and Leo's favorite book Peter Pan. Then I put in on my back, I said" Leo, get up, we are leaving." he got up, tiredly. he said" what?" I said" we are leaving, now. get your clothes on." he got his clothes on, then I did then I tied both our shoes and then I said" come on, little brother." he took my hand and we went out our window. I hit the ground then caught Leo. I put him down and I said" are you okay?" He nodded. I put the bag on his bag and put him on my bag, I ran away from the place.
Once we got to the Bus Station, I pulled out our file and looked for our dad, it said his name is Dean Winchester and he has a brother Sam. their father dead, also mother. They were fugitives. I looked at Leo as we sat on the bench, I said" we're gonna find our dad." he nodded, I found a note from mom, I read it out loud" hey, babies,
I'm sorry Riley and Leo, I thought if I could have hidden from the monsters but I couldn't, if your reading this I'm surely dead. Your father is Dean Winchester, no matter what anyone says he is a good man along with his brother. They hunt the supernatural. all the monster are hunted by hunters, your father and uncle are hunters. I want you to find them and then tell them I'm your mother and Dean is your father, be careful trust no one. my children. Riley protect your brother. I love you both so much, I'm sorry."
Leo sniffled beside me, I hugged him and I got us on a bus and then I looked through the file more. Leo had fallen asleep the second the bus started moving, we took the bus to Kansas.
We got off the bus and looked around. I held onto my brother, tightly holding him as he is in my arms. I walk to the gas station and go in, there was a few cars parked outside it and one car stuck out, a '67 impala, I went to the isle that had food. I was struggling to get food and hold my brother. A man came up to bending down, he said" hey, you need some help?" I said" no." I'm lying, I need help but my mom said to trust no one. he said" I'm Sam Winchester. you are?" I said" I'm Riley and my brother Leo." did he say Winchester. Then another man said" come on, Sam." the man said" coming, Dean." he stood back up taking a glance at me then walked off to the other man, Dean. wait, Dean and Sam Winchester. My father and uncle. I grabbed the file out my bag and left the food and followed them, they got in the impala and started driving off, I followed them.
They stopped at a motel and got out going to their room. I sat on a bench close to their room, then I slowly drifted off.
I woke up, tied to a chair in a room. I said" Leo?!" I heard him whimper, then two men came out of the dark with Leo, a knife at his neck. I said" let him go!!" Then the men's eyes turned black. I got angry and tried getting out but the rope was too tight. I said" don't hurt him." one of the men said" why not?" I said" because he's a baby. he's innocent. he doesn't deserve to die." the man said" then you?" I said" let him go and you can kill me." then the man from the store, Sam, my uncle came through the door busting it open, and then my dad, Dean came in, and they both took down the things. Leo ran to me and covered his face with my shoulder, Sam and Dean looked towards me and Sam cut me loose. my arms wrapped around Leo, holding him tightly and letting him cry into my shoulder, I whispered" it's okay, Leo, I'm right here. I'm not leaving your side." Sam and Dean watched us then Sam said" hey, come with us." I hesitantly nodded and then they led us to their car. Leo was in my arms, I'm not letting go of him, I almost lost him.
We made it back to their motel room and they sat in front of us, I took my bag and grabbed the file and gave it to them, they looked through it then back up at me and Leo.

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