Chapter 7

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We pulled up to this house.( all people they have met are still alive!!!) In a junkyard, I looked at them confused. Leo was looking at them too, I said" where are we?" My dad said" Sioux Falls, South Dakota. At a friends house." I pulled Leo a little closer to me. They didn't notice and then we stopped and got out. I picked up Leo, holding him on my hip. We went to the door and Sam knocked on the door, A man answered it and looked at Sam and my dad before looking at me and Leo. He said" who are you?" I said" why should I trust you?" He looked at my dad and Sam said" Bobby meet Riley and Leo." my dad said" my kids." the man, Bobby said" come on it." we all went in, Leo stayed on my hip. my dad, Sam and Bobby went into another room. Then after 5 minutes they came out and Bobby started throwing questions at me and Leo." Why are demons after you? How'd you end up with Sam and Dean? Has any demon blood got in your mouth? Are you a supernatural creature?" His voice getting louder with every question. Leo jumped out my arms and ran out the door, I screamed" Leo?!" Then I ran after him, he wouldn't stop. I kept chasing him till he tripped on a rock a long way from the place. I ran to him and picked him up, he said" I'm..I...I'm sc..Scared..Riley." I said" I know, my lost boy, I know. but as long as I'm here, no ones gonna touch you. Im gonna protect you." he nodded and stopped shaking which I noticed he was shaking. I whispered" I'm gonna protect you, little brother." I moved him to my hip and carried him.
We were walking when we got surrounded by people with black eyes, Demons. I pulled out a knife from my jacket, I said" don't touch us." one of them said" you won't be able to fight us, you're just a little girl." I said" come on! Come on!" Then they all ran at us at once, I gripped onto Leo tighter to keep him on my hip. I started slicing them, I said" Leo, close your eyes!" He did and tucked his head in my shoulder. I took down all of them and ran, I had blood on my hands. I ran as fast as I could with a 7 yr. old on my hip.
Once we made it to the house, I screamed" daddy!!" Leo did too. the door opened and our dad ran to us, I put Leo down and once our dad was bent down next to us, we collapsed into his chest, crying our eyes out. He said" whoa. hey, what happened? Riley? Leo?" We couldn't answer him, we were too scared to. I heard Sam come out and bend down next to us, he said" Riley, is that blood on your hands?" I nodded, I moved my head away from my dads chest while Leo was still crying, Sam took my hands and looked at them, my dad said". Riley, is that your blood?" I shook my head, no, Sam said" what happened?" I said" when we were walking back here, we got surrounded by demons. I pulled out a knife and I took them all down." my dad said" it's okay, we aren't mad at you." Sam said" come on, let's get you cleaned up." I nodded and he helped me up and my dad just picked up Leo. We went back inside and the man, Bobby was sitting at a table. Sam led me to the sink and started cleaning the blood off. Once the blood was off, Leo had fallen asleep on our dads chest. I went to Leo and took him from my dad's arms, he stirred, I whispered" I am a lost boy from NeverLand usually hanging out with Peter Pan and when we're bored we play in woods always on the run from Captain Hook, Run, run lost boy they say to me. Away from all reality." He fell back to sleep. I rocked him slowly. My dad came up to us, he said" you okay? Do you know why Leo ran?" I said" I'm fine. he was scared."

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