Return of Steve

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I got a text from Sofia "You there Mr. Champion?" I answered back "Was my cooking really that bad?" I answered. "Cooking?" she wrote back. I replied "Yeah, you did tell me, that my performance in the kitchen would decide if you would keep calling me Mr. Chef, or not."

Another text from Sofia "Well, then you'll be called Mr. Chef-Champion from now on." "Yeah, that was probably my own fault" I thought to myself.

Another text "Wanna hang out? Got some new writings, I want a guy's opinion about (and no, my dad's doesn't count)" I wrote back "Sure. No rematch today, btw?" "Nah, I'll probably loose anyway, lol" Sofia replied. I texted her back "See you soon Ms. Awesome 😜" and added a smiling, tongue out, winking emoji

I went and asked dad if I could get driven over to hang out with Sofia. Which was no problem. Dad even seemed happy for me, to have someone to hang out with, and was teasing me a bit about visiting a girl my age.

How Sofia and Steve ended up in diapers - SFWWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt